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Posts posted by ImissWallyPryor

  1. 8 hours ago, Sandman said:

    I remember reading an interview with John Kruk, after he left ESPN. He had gotten ragged on pretty hard for his preseason predictions in their opening day show, he picked some head scratchers. He said he was told by the producers to pick some weird shit because no one wanted to see every talking head pick the Yankees or whatever team was hot shit back then. He protested but had to do it anyway. After reading that, I always cut these guys some slack for their moronic picks.

    It’s almost like ESPN tells them to take opposing sides on issues. 

    • Haha 1
  2. 19 minutes ago, Rudiger said:

    Who told the police that story? The dog?

    Do you really think a female would do anything dramatic without posting it or filming it or doing it in front of a live audience?

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  3. I deleted my PayPal account after 10 years of never using it. That was several years ago, and no ragrets (not regerts, get it right, Surly).

    I have a minimum of $12,000 in cash, $100,000 in gold coins, 10,000 rounds of ammo, 12 months of survival food for 6, 3 cords firewood, 2,500 gallon cistern of water in case my two wells fail me, two 500 gallon propane tanks, 25,000 watt generator, and solar panels/wind turbine.

    I can’t stand paranoid doomsdayers.

    P.S.  Can’t forget the bumper sticker on my truck.


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  4. 33 minutes ago, RPM said:


    We had front row seats to see Bob Hope at the SA Stock Show and Rodeo, compliments of Harry Freeman. None of my kids ages 23-30 know anything about him, although the oldest 2 humor me by pretending to be familiar with his name.


    • Hook 'Em 2
  5. The legacy admissions thing is probably exaggerated, at least in terms of under qualified applicants gaining admission. There simply aren’t a huge number of multi-million dollar donors relative to the number of children of those same donors. That, along with the fact that most über-wealthy families send their kids to really good prep schools, means that most of their children probably have good enough SATs to warrant serious consideration without legacy status. Sure, there are exceptions, but they comprise a tiny fraction of one percent of all applicants.

    As others have pointed out, legacies have a lot of loyalty to their alma mater, so they are more likely to make the kind of donations that benefit a multitude of students they’ll never meet. I’d bet any amount of money that multi-generation UT families donate much more than one-and-done grads.

    I don’t really care if legacy admissions are eliminated because I don’t think it will make a huge difference.

    And do the people complaining about legacy admissions really want admissions to be solely merit based?  For every single unqualified legacy admission there are probably dozens of athletes admitted who are under qualified academically.

    What about international students? Maybe there is a foreign student SAT I haven’t heard about, but I suspect schools are so eager to take on foreign students because they pay full tuition on top of donations from some of their home countries (i.e. OPEC and China). 

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  6. 27 minutes ago, Tex Long said:

    Depends on the lenses. Folks I know, who've done this, have 20/20 distance, but now need readers. YMMV

    My wife just had her eye exam, and - much to her disappointment - her cataracts haven’t worsened. She was kinda looking forward to not needing glasses. She had lasik surgery 23 years ago by Michael Dell, and that is still good enough that she would only need a lens that will correct her near vision.

    Note:  Her current eye doctor has told her several times that the lasik scars from Dr. Dell’s surgery are the best she’s ever seen. 

  7. 21 minutes ago, kevwun said:

    They seems to mainly be a thing in Europe.  We have gotten wine, beer, sodas, bottled water and snacks from the hosts in Europe.  Not so much in the US.

    We were given a partial box of generic Oat-eos and a half empty jug of milk in a Minnesota AirB, so there is that.

    Not to mention numerous opened condiments, peanut butter, and jams. 

    • Haha 1
  8. 52 minutes ago, Your Mom said:

    Are there people who think Craig isn’t a good game day announcer?  His radio show is shit but I think he’s pretty damn good at calling games.  

    *raises hand*

    He’s decent until he gets excited, then it’s like nails on chalkboard to me. I’ll take controlled exuberance like Ron Franklin gave us. Maybe that’s why I liked Wally Pryor so much. 

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  9. Just finished with the selection process (it was easy).  I wanted Section 9 under the overhang, like I’ve had the past few years, but I chose Section 10. The available seats in 9 were a higher than I’ve had, so I went with Row 51 one section over. I didn’t want to risk columns being in my sight line.

    My wife’s roommate’s dad was a SWC ref back in the 80s, and he gave them his comp seats in 1981. They were good seats except they were directly behind a column.

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