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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by ImissWallyPryor

  1. 1 hour ago, Helobious said:

    That’s actually not great advice, as there’s probably a better than 50/50 chance it’ll dump you pretty far out off shore. You likely wont have the strength or energy to remain afloat at that point. 

    Backstroke FTW

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. 21 hours ago, Macanudo said:

    Gonna be in Yellowstone next week and I wouldn't mind seeing a bison tear of some chick's pants again.

    That was in the Black Hills during the Sturgis Rally, but it might as well have been Yellowstone.

    • Like 1
  3. My slot is 3:10 on 6/30, but I’m expecting to be on the road all afternoon. The email said it won’t work on the mobile app, so I may have to trust the generous SOULS in Belmont to pick my seats. What could possibly go wrong?

  4. 2 hours ago, Neonmoon said:

    I would have cut losses and found a better way home after first fuckup. 

    We were literally working on getting an AA flight through DFW when she texted that Delta was getting them on a flight through MSP. As I mentioned, Delta kept telling them they had a solution, then no solution. Eventually, we said fuck this shit, we’re going to try something else. I think the original connection was through O’Hare, but I may be mistaken. AA is an option I would like to avoid, especially if it involves connections.

  5. 8 hours ago, Mother mopar said:

    Pro tip: if she can talk to a "redcoat" they are the supervisors of the front-line customer service agents and have some more flexibility when it comes to overriding booking issues. You can find them very easily, as they wear a red coat/jacket, and cruise the terminal from gate to gate. Hope this helps.

    I think this is who overruled the regular agent to give her the last seat - first class, baby!

    And, I’m sure it was a Basic Economy ticket since she was in a group of 8 poor medical students.

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  6. 1 hour ago, McCroskey said:

    I know it’s unlikely to happen anytime soon but Congress really needs to pass better passenger compensation laws similar to what they have in Europe. Start hitting these airlines hard for at fault delays >2 hours, >3 hours, >5 hours, etc….

    Also, don’t ever, ever, ever let an airline check your bag if it contains medicine or other essential travel items. They can’t force you to check your bag unless the bag won’t fit under the seat in front of you AND you have a basic economy ticket or a late boarding assignment AND the overheads are all full. I see staff trying to convince people to check their shit all the time but they can only truly force your hand under a very limited number of conditions.

    I was not pleased that she let them check her carryon that contained essential items. I bit my tongue because she was already stressed to the max, but I’ll let her know what she has undoubtedly already figured out herself. 

  7. 11 minutes ago, Hermanator said:

    I used to fly all the time for work. I haven't flown since before covid and I have no desire to do it. It was a shit show in the mid 2000s and sounds like possibly a bigger shit show now. Systems breaking down and all that. 


    I flew frequently in the 80s and 90s. Almost never a problem. Even in the 2000s, airline travel was pretty smooth even though I flew less frequently. I’ve flown twice since Covid, getting stranded in DFW in late 2021 then getting rerouted on a flight that originated in D.C. but left my wife and me stranded in Denver in 2022.

    The one good thing that might come of this could be that my daughter sees the benefit of picking an ER residency within driving distance from home. 

  8. This Delta nightmare never ends. After upwards of a dozen changes to my daughter’s rebooking (and spending the night in the Hartsfield terminal with meal vouchers that never worked), she finally got on a flight to Minneapolis. They printed her a ticket in Atlanta for her final connection. When she tried to board that flight, they told her (and only her) that the ticket printed in Atlanta wasn’t valid, and of course the plane had to depart before the ticket could be corrected. For some reason, Delta made her whole group check their carry-ons, so she is without her toiletries, meds, and contact lens stuff and the shops in the airport were closed. Delta sent her and several other passengers to a really nice Marriott. Unfortunately, they sent them to the wrong hotel, and their options were to pay $300-something themselves and hope for reimbursement or they could return to the airport to get new hotel vouchers. We ended up paying for the room. Tomorrow’s flights are completely booked except for one first class seat they hold her she couldn’t have. She insisted on speaking to someone who could override that rule, and she is supposedly getting that seat.

    There is more to the saga, but I have to keep it simple. 

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