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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by ImissWallyPryor

  1. The shit the agents have put them through would wear my thumbs to the bone to repeat. They put them on standby on at least 7-8 different flights (one being late Sunday night) before finally getting them on a flight that has them leaving about now. But, they didn’t “release” their tickets, so that didn’t happen. According to an agent this morning, the agent last night lied to them about the closest hotel being 25 minutes away, making it likely they would miss this flight that they missed anyway. The agent this morning said there are 7 hotels surrounding the airport that they could have put them in. This agent also increased their meal vouchers from $15 to $45. They will be requesting refunds. The Dean of students at her medical school is also getting involved, so that may help. I know the near accident isn’t likely pilot error, but so far, Delta isn’t doing a bang up job of helping (albeit today’s agent was much better).
  2. Hartsfield, duh? Do you think Guatemala is a Third World Country or something?
  3. This was likely an ATC issue, but it could have some pilot error added in for good measure. I’ll add my thoughts on ATC.
  4. My daughter (no pics for pervs) texted at 9:54p that her Delta flight (ATL) which was gaining speed on the runway for takeoff came to a screeching halt because another jet had gotten “in front of them,” so they had to return to the gate to have its “brakes checked for over heating” before they could try again to take off. That’s what they were told at the time, anyway. She was one of a group of medical students returning from a mission trip to Guatemala. She couldn’t see anything from her seat, but after returning to the gate, they were told that in addition to brake repairs, they had blown multiple tires. They deplaned and we’re told to wait for instructions. Now understand, my daughter has an extremely low level of female drama, so she asked some of her male classmates sitting on the opposite side of the plane if they saw anything, and they all said that their jet came very close to t-boning another Delta jet that appeared to be landing. I know that no one likes flying these days, but it also seems like there are more air traffic control-related incidents in recent years. To top it all off, in Delta’s attempt to keep up with AA in the race to the bottom of the airline gutter, they are now telling the passengers that they are rescheduling their flight for 10:26p tomorrow, almost 25 hours later than scheduled. Delta didn’t succeed in killing my daughter, but they’re going to make her life as miserable as possible in the meantime. Fuck Delta. Fuck ATC. Fuck flying commercial.
  5. I did, but Whataburger said they only had two transactions, which is true. He never canceled the first one, and it’s my fault for not getting written verification of the cancellation.
  6. No more than 15 years ago, BK ran 99¢ Whopper /cheese promotions. I think the regular price was $2.99. Our family of 6 could eat for $15 in the 2000s if we were smart with our order.
  7. I ordered food for 4 adults at the Whataburger in Red Oak, and the total came to ~$45. I thought it was about $10 too much, so I checked the receipt, and there were multiple mistakes. The manager said he canceled that charge and he redid the order (my cc app doesn’t immediately notify me of credits). I checked a couple of days later, and I was charged for both transactions with no refund of the first. I stopped back in a few days later with the receipts which I had actually saved, and the manager said he be sorry, but had no recollection of what he had done only a few days earlier. I should’ve had him make a note on the first receipt and sign it. That was 5 years ago, and I’m still pissed. Almost makes me wish I lived in Red Oak so I could boycott that Whataburger.
  8. Trigger discipline, for starters.
  9. The Tower is 4’ 4-5/16” taller than the Capitol building.
  10. I’d pay to see a shark eat Cuban.
  11. My dad’s oldest brother trained fighter pilots during the BOB. No one is alive to ask, but my recollection is that he served in an “advisory” role because the US wasn’t directly involved at that time. There were US pilots flying with the Brits and Canadians, but - unlike my uncle - they weren’t official US Army pilots. They snuck into Great Britain via Canada so they could fly, albeit illegally. I read a book about this, but I can’t come up with the name of it. This uncle retired to Pensacola, and he took me up in his single engine Cessna when we visited in ‘73. He circled the USS Lexington which was moored there and did a mock approach to the landing deck to show me what it looked like to the pilots. He didn’t get close to the ship, so it was just to show me what it looked like from a distance of probably close to a mile.
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