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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by ImissWallyPryor

  1. A little bit lol, but regardless, an A for effort.
  2. I didn’t think my dad ever attended a Bama game. But, you said “rich guy,” so it must be another eccentric guy.
  3. I could understand if “they” removed only the tenderloins and rib roasts.
  4. Turn the volume down if you don’t like techno music…
  5. That’s because you forgot the “and” part.
  6. Egads, when the music started, I was sure they had Disneyfied their mascot.
  7. If it was a John Mackovic wine cellar, how cool would you think it is?
  8. Unfortunately, yes. At first, I thought it was another pop-up or inflatable structure, as if we needed another one of those.
  9. Lucky for him the camera man was there to summon help.
  10. My fetish is worth a few fingers.
  11. I’ve toured the Minny campus more than once. Some of their building are nice, but overall, the campus has no “feel” to it. On the other hand, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder…
  12. I may be a bit of a grammar Nazi, but I never thought I’d see a time stamp Nazi.
  13. My daughter’s middle school had to can some middle-age PE teacher because he was having classes dedicated solely to stretching. Shorts mandatory, no sweats/leggings/whatever allowed.
  14. And they banned the teeter-totter…
  15. I’ve barely watched ESPN the past 6-7 years… except when they are the only option for a game I really want to watch.
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