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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by ImissWallyPryor

  1. Typical. The guy has to lay there like a damn corpse. Been there.
  2. There’s a reason I volunteer to do the laundry… to make sure the extra rinse option is implemented.
  3. Please tell me I’m too tired to see that this is fake.
  4. This is why Mahomes wears that goofy, oversized helmet.
  5. What do people expect? Trains weren’t even invented yet.
  6. Too much pressure on your elbows or your surgically repaired rotator cuffs?
  7. No. The deer are in on it, too. There’s something about that damn branch. I was last out there almost 6 weeks ago - wearing gloves - so you’d think my scent would have faded by now.
  8. That FU comes during physical therapy, lulz. How long was your recovery? IOW, how will it affect my Senior MMA fight schedule.
  9. My first reaction was the fuck you emoji. Glad I noticed that I tapped the wrong one.
  10. Dry mount him just like that. Give your grandkids nightmares.
  11. Well, back to the drawing board. Before I raise them to 12’, I need to confirm that elk can’t climb trees.
  12. This thread reminded me of a federal crime fighting agent who patrolled the US Army Corps of Engineer land around Lake Oahe in SD back in the 2000s. It’s against Federal law to collect artifacts of any kind on COE land, and he would use binoculars to observe people walking the shorelines (usually fishing) and issue citations carrying stiff fines if they picked up anything, even fishing lures. Almost no one caught was aware that they were doing anything wrong. It became such a problem that our US Senators (Tom Daschle being one) wrote a letter to the Corps. The agent was transferred. Crime skyrocketed. When I was a kid in the 60s, I would walk the shoreline during camping/fishing trips looking for spent .50 Cal casings left over from when they had fighter pilot training grounds in the area during WWII. For a grade schooler, finding those was cooler than anything. I did find arrowheads and pieces of pottery in a plowed field on a friend’s farm, though.
  13. https://twitter.com/HumansNoContext/status/1623971060528955392?s=20&t=3obvY_jLkz3-ZZD_s2Yw4A
  14. Of my aches and pains, my shoulders are the worst. A few winters ago, I overworked them busting up ice with an extra heavy digging bar. I should’ve traded it in for a lighter bar by the time I reached my late 50s, but I was in denial (a common theme). My shoulders have never recovered, and the only way I can keep them from feeling like they will pop out of their sockets is weight lifting. Now that is getting more painful, especially if I take more than a few days off. My right shoulder is worse because of a torn rotator cuff that I never had repaired. I keep avoiding seeing an orthopedic surgeon because I’m afraid of what he’ll say (back to the denial theme).
  15. Pretty impressive for a stripper’s son.
  16. Do you think the people and institutions you wish to align with care that much about conference affiliation?
  17. I’ll back off my statement that almost every team is more attractive, but I’d still not put Texas in the upper echelon. If there are 3 tiers, Texas is in the middle, not knocking on either door. That comes with the territory of being an elite team, much like being an elite academic institution.
  18. I’ve eaten there. The chicken is legit.
  19. There are plenty of influences on children these days beyond their parents (too often parent). /no CR
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