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Everything posted by bizzle

  1. banks was a pretty good recruiter when he was engaged. he's also a bit of an odd duck (as proven by his dating decisions) and had a tendency to wander off to the west coast and enjoy himself more than visit high school coaches, which, understandable. i would assume sark knows his good and bad after a few years on the same staff and thinks he can keep his head on straight.
  2. lucedale, mississippi is not a small thing to overcome.
  3. that company sold years ago. currently working in aspen for the next 6 weeks. i love you all.
  4. dan is a really good radio guy for someone that is fundamentally a moron.
  5. i honestly had you figured for nicer neighborhoods.
  6. that was amazing. and craig deciding to have a baby basically because he heard someone else say "maybe you should think about other people" is the most on-brand thing junior has ever said.
  7. bizzle

    New Music 2021

    it's hard to tell where the 1975 production end and where she begins, but agreed - it's great. and apologies to many, but the war on drugs are just boring as hell. immaculately produced and played, but damn. give me a hook.
  8. bizzle

    New Music 2021

    hovvdy have low-key been one of my favorite listens through the past few years, but their new single sounds great. austin guys.
  9. i'm trying to think of a worse drive time show than mclaren and jjt. i'd honestly rather listen to a week of tc interviewing various city council members. at least get davey in there to talk about new wave bands, something, anything better than that shit.
  10. you don't run into #1 / #1 arms all that often.
  11. i want to say that smu offered stafford as a freshman after watching him throw about 5 balls in jv practice.
  12. bizzle

    New Music 2021

    it's fine. in love with the beabadoobee ep and rostam lp this past week.
  13. he somehow got ej manuel and christian ponder drafted in the first round. lifetime pass.
  14. it's fucking exhausting, to be honest. should happen at any moment.
  15. pointing at your current coaching staff isn't finger wagging, it's merely suggesting we're all playing the same game here. i can't decide which is better fan-fic: jimbo currently pining for baton rouge, or the wonderful story about how he failed some sort of high-end austin moral standards test, followed by the hiring of tom fucking herman and steve sarkisian. you're losing the plot.
  16. you know things are starting to get fun when this sort of post starts appearing with regularity. this is like a mad libs message board post. frankly, i expect better from you than this incredible heap of bullshit. except for the transfer portal stuff. we need to get more organized there.
  17. bizzle

    New Music 2021

    it appears, uh, that lorde has a new album
  18. this is incredible. not sure how to pull off a 2 week trip to barcelona june of next year, but may need to happen.
  19. chet faker needs to play some shows around here.
  20. probably just the people that have had to spend time there.
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