The Gun Owners thread seems like a perfectly reasonable place for people to discuss gun control, societal changes that might prevent mass shootings, or just express frustrations over the status quo of gun culture in our country.
Let's take a completely different topic that people are also passionate about: DOGS. Now suppose in the future, psychopaths start training pit bulls and dobermans to attack people, and then the country suffers an epidemic of mass casualties where these attack dogs are being unleashed in schools, churches, and shopping centers on a weekly (daily?!) basis where they kill 5-20 people. And suppose dog owners everywhere circle the wagons and refuse to do anything about public policy that could potentially limit these attacks, and instead of discussing any meaningful change for the benefit of all responsible dog owners out there, they decide to give more money to the AKC who can then lobby politicians to prevent dog ownership standards from changing, and tweet out false platitudes like "Thoughts and prayers" every time a dog kills 9 people at H&M.
Don't you think in that scenario (as ridiculous as it is, yet replace "dogs" with "guns" and "AKC" with "NRA" and here we are), that the My Dog is Awesome thread might experience a little bit of backlash and spillover from all the other people who are sick and tired of seeing dogs going on killing sprees on a daily basis?
This hobby of gun ownership is long overdue for a change. I know it would be convenient for everyone who favors gun control to stay in the Cloak Room where you can ignore them, but it would also be convenient for the family members of 9 dead people if those people weren't, you know, dead.
Maybe it's time for gun owners to acknowledge that there is a massive problem and start proposing some solutions, rather than doubling down on the status quo.