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Everything posted by DiceHands

  1. I would imagine the bombshell reports will have something to do with this from 2018. Im sure the culture hasnt changed much. This is probably a sign of what is to come. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/02/sports/redskins-cheerleaders-nfl.html
  2. Seeing the player's responses so far is encouraging. I appreciate that they all came together on this and were able to come up with a solution that seems like everyone is ok with. I just cant help but feel like when we hear them say "please rise for the eyes of texas", its going to feel like the crowd is singing it AT a group, rather than WITH them. When 75% of the players walk off the field during it, is it really all that special any more? When we hear the Karens of the world criticize them for standing up for what they believe in, is it really gonna feel good to sing the song after a win or a loss? Again, im envisioning worst case scenario here (can you blame me? its 2020), but I hope that it doesnt become a bigger distraction than its worth. Time will tell.
  3. I stand with the players. Always. No song defines our history. The players that risk their lives every Saturday do. Bad move not listening to the players on this one. We could have dropped the dumb ass song and lost absolutely nothing. Now we risk alienating our players and it puts everyone in an awkward spot.
  4. Exactly, and not only that, how long before we hear about X star player gets a positive diagnosis, and they dont tell anyone because the team cant afford to lose that player? We hear about coaches hiding injuries all the time. They will 100000% do the same for someone with COVID.
  5. How about the Washington Giant Fucking Pussies?
  6. For a few weeks there, I thought we might have football. However, its becoming 100% clear to me that we will not have a college football season. NFL, NBA and MLB might try it. Its gonna be a fucking mess. Their failure will lead to CFB being cancelled. We just have to hope that all kids get redshirts, and bring back Sam for a super senior year. If not, god damn, fuck this world.
  7. Did my part. Reported his ass to his employer, which happens to be a recruiter for the Texas National Guard. Please do the same. Their email: ng.tx.txarng.mbx.pao@mail.mil
  8. Just fucking get rid of the song and end this distraction. If we really do have football this year, were setting up for the biggest distraction filled season yet. It would be nice to head into LSU without all this bullshit surrounding us. Atleast shelve the song until we can come up with a better solution or a new song. The song doesnt mean jack shit, especially to the younger generation. I could never hear it or sing it again and be perfectly fine, and guess what, so could you. Anyone still holding onto it as "muh turdition" is a dumb fuck. Our admin needs to get their shit together before we lose the entire team. You think black players are gonna go out there and sacrifice their bodies for a school that wouldnt even listen to them when they said "hey this thing is kinda fucked and we feel uncomfortable"? I sure as fuck wouldnt.
  9. lol big fucking deal, fuck kyler murray and fuck you
  10. Yeah because his bitch ass couldnt take a single hit from someone like khalil mack or von miller without being a complete pussy about it. Go play baseball you fucking loser. Take the loss. Hold that L.
  11. Take the loss pussy
  12. When is that little bitch they call their QB going to whimper off to play a pussies sport because hes too scared to get hit by grown ass men in the NFL?
  13. God damnit. I really wanted Rising to play for us at some point. I know Sam is our guy for the next 2 years, but it pains me to see this kid go. Hes a fucking baller and is going to light it up where ever he ends up. Fuck.
  14. DiceHands


    Damn dude, you're fucking dumb as fuck.
  15. Let the young guys play in the bowl game. I dont wanna see Boyd, Hager or any of Charlie's guys on the field.
  16. Tim Beck couldnt figure out how to stop running for no gain up the middle and throw it to the receivers who have been torching them all game. CDC needs to pay out the ass and get people here that arent completely inept.
  17. Agreed. GTFO of this conference.
  18. Please go elsewhere. Useless scum.
  19. well gat dayum we got a fucking shot boys
  20. Give the booth a chance to take a second look. Instead, we try and catch the defense off guard and run a quick play for a negative gain. There is zero reason to rush to the line in that situation. None.
  21. Spot on my dude.
  22. This was a situation that happened MULTIPLE times during the game. The play before, we should have reviewed it, but instead we decide to RACE to the line and try and run a quick play. I dont get why we go down the field so methodically, taking our sweet time, looking to the sidelines for checks, etc. Then when we get near the goal line, we panic and start rushing. Its like we cum before we even get our dick wet. Bottom line, review the god damn close plays, Tom. You Fuck.
  23. Really good regurgitation of a line straight from a cruz attack ad. Think before you speak. You sound like a fucking moron.
  24. Dont you know? He was never offered at Texas and his dad and grandpa played here!!!11
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