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Everything posted by DiceHands

  1. He has to read off a fucking piece of paper "that he trusts intelligence agencies"
  2. LOL, yeah im sure he just misspoke. Give me a fucking break. This is his excuse?
  3. He will say what ever pleases the crowd he is front of. In front of Putin? I believe Russia. In front of US congress? I believe our intelligence agencies. He is a fucking treasonous traitor.
  4. Already started. When asked if he would publicly condemn putin, he ignored the question. TRAITOR.
  5. Tons of republicans are coming out against what happened yesterday. They may have not left his side, but they are atleast being more outspoken on this than anything else that has happened so far. My guess is that they will all accept this damage control bullshit conference today and point to it saying that its definitive proof that trump is with the US, completely ignoring what he just said in front of his daddy putin.
  6. Let me guess, now that trump is back in the US backpedaling like fucking lance armstrong, all his supporters are going to go back on his side again?
  7. People thinking that trump is just too dumb to realize that he is being a puppet is just as likely as it is that hes compromised in some way by putin/russia. Yes, it would be better for us all if it was the prior, but there is too many things that point to it being the latter at this point. Either way, its all super fucked up and anyone still supporting trump at this point is a fool. He has to go. Sidenote: if he really is too dumb to realize hes getting played, then we need to dump his ass on the curb because we cant have someone that ignorant in the most powerful position in the world.
  8. They hacked our shit but we dont know that anything was actually changed... Yeah ok. Im sure they just hacked for the lulz. Give me a break. This absolutely fucked with the election and fucked with outcomes.
  9. Hacking actual voting units is a fucking huge deal. If that is the case, this election coming up and any election going forward will be questionable. Its all rigged. We are fucked.
  10. The most laughable thing about this ordeal was the fact that republicans tried to talk about ethics violations when their lord and savior, the king of being unethical, donald trump, is their president. Fucking idiots. Vote them out in November and end them.
  11. The GOP will continue to act like they care about unborn babies but as soon as they pop out the womb they wont give a fuck about them or their well being.
  12. We found the 15 year old edge lord
  13. trump starts fire > says its the dems fault > gives a half assed effort at putting the fire out > claims victory. someone end this bullshit already
  14. Youre forgetting the hot take of them all being child actors.
  15. Obama played a ton of golf durrrrrr, its ok if turmp plays golf too durrrr.
  16. It was all a photo op that his base is going eat up. Meanwhile, while the orange turd is shaking hands with an evil dictator, our most trusted democratic allies are gearing up for a trade war with him. Good job, dipshits. We left the crowd of people with the money, the supplies and the armies for the short man with napoleon complex that doesnt even have enough food to feed his people. Real smart move there. Oh but dont worry, he signed a document that says literally nothing, so... progress!
  17. Oh awesome, the BUT OBAMA excuse. Fuck off dude, take your bullshit lies elsewhere.
  18. You're dumping me!??! Well then I'm dumping YOU FIRST! What a fucking pussy ass bitch. Trump is a dope and needs to gtfo of here. What a joke. also - lol at those fucking coins now.
  19. BBC reporting Cohen took 400k from ukraine to arrange meeting with trump. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-44215656 pay to play? if we are just finding out about this, im sure mueller has known for quite some time. im gonna guess that those extra cell phones cohen had is going to tie trump into this somehow. there is absolutely no way that trump didnt know about this going on. anyone that believes he was ignorant of all of this is lying to themselves. and if he was completely in the dark, how the fuck is someone so blind the president of the united states?
  20. facts and trump defenders just dont mix. the past couple of pages is a bunch of them pulling off redactions and "oh I misread it". lol
  21. Idk about yall but if someone is squealing to investigators to get themselves out of 125 years in prison, the info they have must be pretttttty damn good.
  22. trump is dumb as fuck the fbi spied on trump to help a democratic candidate? lollllllllll give me a fucking break
  23. Exactly. It makes no sense to believe Steele in other documents all these years, but this one for some reason is all "fake news". Hes a credible source and has proven to be so with a decent record. At first, even I was skeptical. The material in the doc were so salacious that it almost seemed too good to be true. But now that we have gone for nearly 2 years and most of the stuff in there is checking out, I find it hard to believe that any of it is lies. The biggest guess is that the reason we havent seen the pee tape yet is because it involved underage girls. The public will never see it, but I almost guarantee you that Mueller and his team have or atleast confirm that it exists.
  24. Things seem to be stacking up at an alarming rate today. The giant meltdown on twitter by trump, WH not holding any press conference, trump holding the meeting with AG about the "spying", rod stone thinks hes getting indicted, the trump jr. meeting with other countries before the election... Shit is piling up quick. I feel that mueller is about to drop some bombs soon.
  25. Lol at all the trumptards believing that the investigation is ending 9/1. Remember when the investigation was "nearing the end" a year ago after the first indictments?? Of course they dont, because these guys move the goalposts so much they dont even remember where they were to begin with.
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