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Everything posted by DiceHands

  1. In that case, hard pass.
  2. What is Other's record in the tourney?
  3. When you get a response from brando on twitter lol. Love it. Might frame it.
  4. so many people losing their minds on twitter even if we dont get beard, its fun trolling these tech fans. they have convinced themselves that tech is the greatest city of all time and no other school can even compare to tech. i mean shit, i drink a lot of koolaid as a texas fan, but lubbock might be one of the most boring places ive ever been.
  5. lol keep that salt flowing.
  6. Lol ok, ill be sure to never "like" someone again until I meet them in person. Thanks for the talk, Dad.
  7. Which was what? Why does anyone need to explain to you why someone likes something? What a fucking weird thing to ask someone
  8. I like his personality. I think hes a great dude. Id love to see him have success here. I love his passion. Before he came to Texas, I enjoyed the type of basketball his teams played. Do I need to keep going?
  9. I like Shaka as a person. Shit, I thought he was the right guy for the job when we hired him. I was beggggging for us to go after him after Rick, and we did. However, Shaka never brought that same passion or intensity that he had at VCU to Texas. I dont remember us ever trying to use his Havoc full court press like he did at VCU. We would do it every blue moon, but it was never a staple of any team he had here. I still like Shaka, but my biggest issue with him is the complete lack of strategy. Star player on the opposing team with 3 or 4 fouls? Dont ever attack them. Opposing team full of small guys? Dont ever feed it down low to your big men. Team destroying us in the paint? Dont ever go to a zone. Too many times has our offense devolved into standing around and waiting for something to happen or shoot up a random ass 3 and hope for the best. Its almost like the 12 ft jumper doesnt even exist in Shakas brain. Its 3 points or drive to the hoop and hope for the best. That is literally it. As much as I like the guy and want to see him succeed here, I just dont think I can tolerate these issues any more. Losing this game was a fucking huge reality check for me. 0 Tourney wins in 6 years is pathetic. Not sure if we will actually dump him this year... but I cant say id be sad if we did.
  10. when you would rather fire your coach than win a big 12 championship lul
  11. this. these threads suck and attract the dumbest mother fuckers. end it
  12. The bears have sucked shit for a long time now, so it sounds like a perfect destination! Also - lol that he didnt get another HC job. All these people saying Texas made a mistake, blah blah. This mother fucker cant even get another gig outside of water boy.
  13. Hey heres an idea, Tom herman was fired because he fucking sucked
  14. Any current players tweeting anything out? I see that Charles Omenihu and a few former players tweeted something out but quickly deleted it
  15. That pollock tweet though?? tf is happening
  16. thank god, the meme is dead.
  17. For all those saying Sark has turned it around.. I think even Mensa couldve gotten to a CFP with Bama's players. Not feeling this hire at all. But Im not going to be a little bitch about it come Sept 2021. Ill give Sark a chance, but nothing about this is what I wanted or envisioned if we were firing Herman.
  18. if were talking protegees, you either go get one from dabo or saban, or no one.
  19. No fucking kidding. Thank god this person isnt in charge of choosing who we hire.
  20. The question becomes, is Quinn leaving because he knows Tom is gone? Or is he leaving because he knows Tom is staying? All of the "reasonable" talking heads said Tom wouldnt get fired unless we started losing recruits. Well, that time has come. Whats going to be the new excuse?
  21. No way this game happens right? Especially with those new positives?
  22. If I played on a Texas team that looked as bad as they do, id get rid of all mentions of Texas on my insta too.
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