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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Walte464

  1. Kai fuckin Money, a walk on from Brownsville Texas getting some love in the 1st half. That was fuckin awesome
  2. I have the 3, been looking at the y but I can’t leave the speed of my dual motor AWD.
  3. Refs gonna show up every game and turn a blind eye as they’ve done before. Nothing new.
  4. I know this may different aspect for the valley, but are the discharged patients from icu going to the McAllen convention center or other off premise centers considered being released from the hospital?
  5. I picked a good time to move to Houston. I’ve already forgotten the effects of Hannah and the 14 inches overnight, come one down orange. Ready for round 2.
  6. Are you looking for a condo or house?
  7. The valleys cases are beginning to decline, only 30 confirmed covid deaths today. Could the decline be due to less testing, only time will tell as hospitals aren’t seeing declines in patients. Now on to a more personal matter (sorry venting), had a Gm that got covid 3 weeks ago, he had been on a ventilator for a week and a half and kicked it on August 4th and sent home to recover. On August 7th, he was readmitted into the hospital and placed on a ventilator again. This morning, we lost a kind and generous soul, RIP Gustavo, you fought a tough fight, till we meet again.
  8. Fuck you covid and fuck you dumbasses in Cameron county who want to drink at fuckin chillis and Applebee’s.
  9. The tides are turning in South Texas, Hidalgo is down with 271 test positive and 40 deaths and Cameron county has risen with 731 test positive and 6 deaths. Total of 1002 positive cases and 46 deaths.
  10. 934 new cases in Cameron and Hidalgo counties with 53 more deaths. With hotels being at capacity and an over abundance of water rescues this week. We’re going to see a spike in the next 2-3 weeks. The hot spot is going to get hotter.
  11. There was still major flooding, just not as bad as last June. The wind and rain collapsed the La Plaza Mall roof AEP stated today that all the power won’t be totally fixed until Friday.
  12. RGV is going to be in a very very very bad place in 2-3 weeks with hurricane Hanna tracking this way. There is going to be major flooding and random people helping others in the flood without mask. was busy with Hanna to post this last night, Hidalgo doesn’t post on saturdays. 341 people tested positive in Cameron with 8 deaths.
  13. We’ve been getting rocked for the past hour and a half. IMG_1334.MOV
  14. RGV is going to be in a very very very bad place in 2-3 weeks with hurricane Hanna tracking this way. There is going to be major flooding and random people helping others in the flood without mask.
  15. Rgv seems very very quiet right now for that eye being so close.
  16. Holy shit, that’s money
  17. Let’s not turn this into political arguments again, take that shit to CR Hidalgo county and Cameron County, 888 cases and 39 cases
  18. Judge Cortez did a shelter in place that would take effect yesterday, Wednesday 7/22, Abbott’s office declared that he had “no enforcement mechanism”. Abbott has completely handicapped the leaders of south Texas, allowing this pandemic to run rampant. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.texastribune.org/2020/07/20/hidalgo-county-coronavirus-emergency-order-gov-greg-abbott/amp/
  19. They aren’t giving a direct correlation of Mexican nationals vs American citizens on these numbers. This is a photo I took of the Alamo Flea Market today, it doesn’t really change my mindset that these cases are all correlated to the valley region.
  20. Oh great, now we’ll get incomplete numbers and everyone is going to believe the virus went away. Strap your shoes up for a fun fall when people let their guard down.
  21. I’m getting tired of doing this at this point, 1121 cases and 49 deaths in Cameron and Hidalgo county
  22. Another 1000 case day in the RGV and 44 deaths
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