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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Walte464

  1. He’s playing on ESPNU right now
  2. 2 tickets Pearl Jam tonight- TUESDAY NAME YOUR PRiCE 2 tickets
  3. So where can we buy the rtic burnt ends cup
  4. Gonna try the 3 in the valley in the next 2 weeks, hadn’t heard of any of them. Have a buddy that works at Reese and has been priding them to me for awhile, pretty awesome to see them on here.
  5. They need to start throwing these screamers out, nantz is calling out the screamers on the backswing now
  6. fans need to stfu, they caught Spieth on his backswing
  7. Manypets.com has been really good. As long as you place the itemized invoice, they have paid everything out for me.
  8. Yeah, i haven’t gone to Matamoros in 25 years but go to progresos monthly. There’s even a fear of going to all the new restaurants on the Brownsville side of the bridge that Elon just donated to get built.
  9. Alll season, wish Galindo would stay there or luck his ass into a job I don’t have to hear him announce again,
  10. Nope, they’re gonna have a rematch that Paul will win.
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