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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Walte464

  1. So glad that he won, was great to be out on the course and watch him continue to rip his drives all weekend. i followed spieth all day Thursday and it doesn’t seem like he has it back mentally .
  2. RGV got hammered this morning with 3-4 inches and 60 mph winds. Trampolines we’re flying farther than south Austin’s mom on a home game bender.
  3. Just saw a YouTube video that stated that’s how they mate? Is that right?
  4. Have y’all ever seen 1 snake devouring another? We picked them up to see what was going on as they were right next to the house. @Patricio Swayze
  5. SNEK strolling along the street a couple houses over.
  6. De la hoya is stoned outta his mind
  7. This is a music festival featuring the Jake Paul fight
  8. Wait for Biden’s tax break on Tesla, it’ll kill that price increase.
  9. How sad is it that this normal occurrence no longer has a reaction from me. My fiancé was broken up by it and i told her i got pulled over driving through falfurrias going 24 over the speed limit. Cop walked to my window and asked for my license, after looking it over, gives it back to me with a warning and have a good day. I am a white complected Hispanic, because of my skin color I can get away with speeding and I don’t have to worry for my life when the officer gets to my window... we live in a very fucked up damn world man.
  10. Damn Nixon has been a great surprise as a valley boy.
  11. Got the 2nd moderna yesterday at 4, sore arm and body sweats last night. Today has been a general blah, not feeling all there and a headache.
  12. I’ll take a spot if something opens
  13. Finally took my initial on tsnpd, feels good to be riding on free shares
  14. I charged it to the max last night before the storm rolled in, been watching Netflix for the past 6 hours with the heater on and losing 4 miles per hour. Being told I won’t get electricity back until Wednesday night, gonna see how comfortable an air mattress is in the trunk of a model 3 tonight.
  15. My Tesla has been a life send during this power outage, been watching Netflix all afternoon and keeping warm.
  16. Any thoughts if AMC is going to play the🚀 game tomorrow or should it be one to sit back and watch grow and crash?
  17. What’s the get out point on xmet
  18. $50, not sure I need it but I’ll take it
  19. Has to be the soccer stadium which is within 5-10 miles of the university. Great environment and will sell out for a college football game.
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