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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by pacman

  1. Someday Murphy will get a call.. probably forces 5 holding calls a game, never called of course
  2. Man, cajun and a beer at a basketball game would be fantastic.
  3. Another game, another defense that looks absolutely lost. Kansas ignores his responsibility and allows the an to get outside. Ford just let's deuce go like he is somebody else's responsibility
  4. If you ever wanted to know what shrunken head guy looks like in a football helmet, just look at Haynes King.
  5. odd these reports predominantly come from Republican led states
  6. Amazing work, Astros. Watched at the bar. Very exciting to see it done to the Phillies, in Philadelphia lol.
  7. Tim Ryan, owner of huge balls, in a room full of cucks.
  8. my only complaint, we need more dark brandon. Much, much more...
  9. The hustle by Bishop to stop dribble penetration and ultimately lead to a turnover...
  10. Over and under on the number of people driving around needlessly, to monitor drop boxes, who also complain about being able to afford gas?
  11. Attaboy Max..fail when the pressure is on, like a true aggy
  12. lol fisher has Stewart running 5 yard outs
  13. Weigman should have about 3 tonight..he is due
  14. Weigman will never look better than tonight..jimbo will tear him down to nothing in the coming months
  15. Do you even SEC? This is how they protect the myth of the SEC battle, where no game is easy.
  16. Stewart is a fantastic player, but a dumbass
  17. I thought we were playing..
  18. Charge aggy a timeout.. horseshit
  19. holy fucking boomhauer fischer
  20. Jesus..take the camera away from that pathetic looking band of merry "fake soldiers"
  21. Bishop is so easy to root for as a person and a player. That's my guy.
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