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orange dream

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Everything posted by orange dream

  1. I was at the game in Tuscaloosa. It was glorious. I was also at the Cotton Bowl on October 11, 2008. It was also glorious. Unfortunately, the team we beat that day took our spot in the National Championship game that year. If the SEC is shut out of the playoff this year it will be the first time in the CFP era that the SEC is excluded, and even going back to the BCS, era the first time since 2005 that an SEC team didn't get the nod in the beauty contest. Not saying it's right, but it is the way it is. I hope the trend breaks in our favor if necessary, but not counting on it. Having said all that, I'm standing behind the Lousville cheerleaders (especially one) this week...
  2. I'll be shocked if SECSECSEC gets shut out of the playoff regardless of what else happens. IMO, there are 3 spots taken (Michigan, SEC and PAC) and 1 "open" (FSU, if they win, or TX)
  3. Crazy rumor time: Texting with my friend from Florida last night during the UF / FSU game. As we’re discussing the games of the day he reminds me that his best friend is good friends with Urban. Says that OSU BMD’s have intimated that they’d pay 15MM / yr for Urbs to come back and save them. 😳🤣 No idea if there’s anything to it but the source definitely has the right access.
  4. @kyleumlang gets a little love on scattershooting this morning for this tweet.
  5. That meal looks like it both fucks and goes hard
  6. Halo, air compressor, device charger, jump starter and light https://www.amazon.com/Halo-Portable-Laptop-Charger-Starter/dp/B07FM85W13 Butane torch lighter https://www.amazon.com/Adjustable-Windproof-Refillable-Fireworks-Fireplace/dp/B08TQTPZ9V/ref=asc_df_B08TQTPZ9V/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=507735921252&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=9992517620174572471&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9026938&hvtargid=pla-1234820365333&mcid=754df4a47fbd32b591043bcfa9eeb6d4&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIgNfdkcnGggMVJkhHAR2cKQX2EAkYCiABEgIdEPD_BwE&th=1 Collapsible foam cooler ( I use it to rest briskets ) https://www.amazon.com/Cooling-Chilling-Collapsible-Cooler-Chest/dp/B07Y5PJP3Y/ref=pd_bxgy_sccl_1/142-5397261-4559958?pd_rd_w=UVtYd&content-id=amzn1.sym.7746dde5-5539-43d2-b75f-28935d70f100&pf_rd_p=7746dde5-5539-43d2-b75f-28935d70f100&pf_rd_r=WQPG78ZQN8Q020Y3DNG5&pd_rd_wg=JaGeQ&pd_rd_r=4fa87709-492f-4f7d-b833-8b7f9ec7ad49&pd_rd_i=B07Y5PJP3Y&psc=1
  7. Don't know about hacks, etc. but I do know it pisses me off when my hotel room is too hot. Also, hate it when traveling in certain areas of the country / world and they tell me that the AC has been turned off for the season but the heater is fully operational.
  8. Jellyfish installation scheduled for the 14th. I'll report back once it's up and running.
  9. Sounds a lot like something a guy with a son named William and an older daughter with a gimp leg would say.
  10. There’s lots of words in this thread but only one universal truth… NEVER ROOT FOR THE DIRT BURGLARS!!!
  11. Born the year before the Senators moved to Arlington. Was a card-carrying ( tube sock wearing ) member of the "Jim Sundberg Dr. Pepper Junior Rangers" club. Was at the ALCS clincher in 2010 to see Nefti leave A-Rod looking and the celebration that followed. Glorious. After the TX-USC game, that was my lifetime sports highlight. The WS that year was disappointing but the year was already a success in my book. The 2011 WS, on the other hand, was ours for the taking. As that game moved into the 9th I woke my kids up (then aged 11 and 9) so they could experience this momentous event with a plan to head straight to Academy to get WS Champs gear. You all know what happened, eventually my 9 year old said, "why are you making me watch this"? If I have had a lower moment as a fan, it could only have been Colt's injury, but that was a little softened by the fact that the Horns had won it all only 4 years earlier. All that to say, LFG Rangers!!!!! Win the whole thing.
  12. My 10-year-old has asked about these apps, etc. He watches the Bettor Days series on ESPN+ talking about quirky bets and some bad beats, amazing wins. Kind of entertaining if you have any interest in sports betting.
  13. Just get Ameros before you leave. They are accepted worldwide.
  14. Bruiser Brody always did seem certifiable, even to my pre-adolescent brain. He seemed just a bit different than all the others. Kabuki was nightmare fuel for me. MF'er spewing that green mist.
  15. Mid-90s on a flight to Charlotte there were 4 or 5 guys up front who were obviously all flying together. Upon landing, we all end up on the same shuttle bus to the rental car lot. I was starting to figure out they were rasslers (not from my era) and when we got on the shuttle, the shuttle driver goes into full Chris Farley "that was awesome" guy mode. He was non-stop the whole way to the lot.
  16. Only thing I have seen this year from Texas Cares is a kids referral program. Maybe since you never tested positive they still had you on the radar.
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