Born the year before the Senators moved to Arlington. Was a card-carrying ( tube sock wearing ) member of the "Jim Sundberg Dr. Pepper Junior Rangers" club.
Was at the ALCS clincher in 2010 to see Nefti leave A-Rod looking and the celebration that followed. Glorious. After the TX-USC game, that was my lifetime sports highlight. The WS that year was disappointing but the year was already a success in my book. The 2011 WS, on the other hand, was ours for the taking. As that game moved into the 9th I woke my kids up (then aged 11 and 9) so they could experience this momentous event with a plan to head straight to Academy to get WS Champs gear. You all know what happened, eventually my 9 year old said, "why are you making me watch this"? If I have had a lower moment as a fan, it could only have been Colt's injury, but that was a little softened by the fact that the Horns had won it all only 4 years earlier.
All that to say, LFG Rangers!!!!! Win the whole thing.