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orange dream

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Everything posted by orange dream

  1. Any suggestions from the locals for breakfast or donut places in Birmingham?
  2. hey at least he didn't steal "ball gargling" from you.
  3. Speaking of temps, this is the current forecast for T-town on Saturday...
  4. I bought on SeatGeek about 3 or 4 weeks ago and had the tickets electronically ( in their app) within 30 minutes.
  5. Seatgeek code for 20% off (purchased by Sept 5th, max savings $25 ) one purchase. So basically $25 off your overall purchase price (I don't think it is per ticket) if you're still in the market. LABORDAY23 Meet me in Section E. Hook 'em!!
  6. Sounds like a class action lawsuit if the right legal eagle got a hold of it.
  7. My buddy bailed due to an injury. I'm regrouping and bringing my 10-year-old son instead. Ok to swing by with him?
  8. Not a cruiser but had never heard of Silversea. Looked up an itinerary with them including Greece and saw this with a duration of 27 days 😲 I swear, I would most likely go insane on a boat (even a really nice one) that long. https://www.silversea.com/destinations/mediterranean-cruise/lisbon-to-athens-piraeus-wh240930c27.html
  9. I go straight to the cooler wrapped in a towel. Not saying that is the optimal method but honestly I've never considered resting on the counter and then going to the cooler. Will be interested to hear what others are doing.
  10. I love the front-row dude in the hat sitting there like Ray Charles.
  11. Bought a parking pass from UA's gameday provider for $35 including fees https://reserve.imclutch.com/ua pass is immediately available on their app. Lot C. Free shuttle will take us from there (stop 5) to the Quad (Surly tailgate area) Open as early as 7 AM on gameday and needs to be cleared 1.5 hours after game (not sure how well enforced that will be)
  12. Are you meaning something permanent in lieu of the sprinkler system they have been having problems with or just something for a week or two while the automatic sprinkler problems get worked out?
  13. Dude, you fucked this up the instant you mentioned it to your wife. Whatever you do now, can't right the ship but ... If hookers and blow are really off the table you could: 1. procure a selection of custom-made hatchets 2. have a baller weekend in Vegas 3. bet it all on black 4. buy all the tickets in an outfield section at a baseball game 5. get it in $1s and stuff a mattress with it 6. give it to me ( I won't tell my wife and will fully document how I properly waste it via liveposting on Surly) you get the point
  14. two tangents to this are: 1. Hotel, restaurant or club who adds a "service fee" and then points out that it is NOT a tip or gratuity. WTF is it then? Who gets that $$ 2. Pizza places that add a "delivery fee" but make sure to say that it does not go to the driver, etc. OK... same questions as above!!
  15. I wonder if somewhere along the way (maybe when they sold the restaurants) in the Touhy's estate planning it somehow became more obvious to Oher that he was NOT getting a "child's" portion of the general family inheritance. I could see a scenario where he really did feel like part of the family (as he indicated in the passage from the earlier book) and the Touhy's continued to put him in the Christmas card photos, etc. to the point where he thought he was going to get 1/3 in the mom and dad's wills but ultimately realized he was getting the "conservatorship" portion instead of lining up next to Collins and SJ for the gravy train to unload; that he may have started looking for a way to "get his" and that lawyers may have encouraged this action as a means (potentially misguided based on the information that is coming to light) to that end. Either way, somebody is not being truthful and I bet he's not in this year's Christmas card photo.
  16. So, Oher's agent was a close friend of the Touhys and the person who filed the Conservatorship petition and then never informed her client (Oher) that it might be worthwhile to look into the royalties related to the book / movie deals. That sounds like legal malpractice. Ladies & Gents, I think Mr. Oher might be about to put the whole system on trial. For real, that seems shady AF.
  17. Watched it over the weekend. Agree with whoever said it seems like they had a deadline to meet so they just turned in whatever they were through with instead of making sure they had a story worth telling. Was surprised by the 'honesty' from his dad when answering the question regarding whether this story had a happy ending (however it was phrased) when he said, "I don't know, I think it is too early to tell" Based on what I saw I'd say it's 70/30 there's a future meltdown coming when whatever money he still has runs low. I bet the new bar is someone giving him a chunk of money to use his name and a promise from him to post up there on a few game days a season for a year or two. What could go wrong?!? I was also surprised that he and Uncle Nate never reconciled. In the big scheme of things Nate didn't seem to be a bad influence on an otherwise saintly Manziel and I would suspect actually took some heat off him while looking out for him in the way that a 20-year-old friend would. It was worth an hour that I would otherwise have just been scrolling through Surly or watching pre-season football, but certainly not award winning.
  18. On the royalty thing, it seems like his agent probably should have asked about that years ago and if he had been shutout, either had it fixed or had this fracture occur at that point. Adopted or not, he should have been in that conversation.
  19. Nice of you to not want to put them through any unnecessary trauma. Hopefully, this incident has taught you to always leave a note in case of unforseen circumstances...
  20. She's always been agreeable to "Team Just the Tip" with me. Definitely a big smile, which is nice. 😀
  21. Not every cause is for everybody. Even if you are moved by the cause the time might not be right for you. Give generously when you can, but don't feel guilty if the time is not right.
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