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orange dream

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Everything posted by orange dream

  1. I had the tremendous GM move of picking up Sterling Shepard off waivers Thursday afternoon and then failing to insert him into my lineup. The person I was going to replace him with did basically nothing while Shepard went for 20. FML
  2. I was also a juror on a DUI trial. Decently hot former college gymnast (weighed 90-95 pounds) probably 22 or 23 yo went to happy hour for a friend's birthday, had a single margarita and then pulled out in front of someone on the way out of the parking lot. No significant damage but police were called. Performed well on field sobriety but failed breathalyzer and blood test. Not sure why she bothered to to go to trial.
  3. awesome, glad you got your money back.
  4. This time was tied with Rice in the 4th qtr last week. Next week may not be looking so good either.
  5. Are you just having to leave a voicemail? Is there some sort of chat / help function you can use? Take a screen shot of their responses. Send an email spelling out the issue to as many vroom emails as you can find. Explain the situation, the lack of responsiveness and that you will be contacting the Attorney General's office in their state and yours if this is not resolved in 14 days. jenny.watson@vroom.com (Chief Experience Officer) patricia.moran@vroom.com (Chief Legal Officer) legal@vroom.com (why not try) john.caine@vroom.com (Chief Conversion Officer) website says his job is to seek out and alleviate the pain points in the car buying process. peter.scherr@vroom.com (Chief Marketing Officer) I can't remember what state you are in but reach out to the consumer protection agency (Attorney General) in your state as well as the state that Vroom is HQ'd in (NY from what I can tell). Light them up on twitter, etc.? Good luck and keep us posted.
  6. As an aside, I feel like I would be much more of a badass if my name was either Michael Barbaro or Apoorva Mandavilli.
  7. I'm probably doing it wrong but If look at August 1st forward on the death chart I count about 10 fully vaxxed deaths vs. approximately 100 non-vaxxed deaths. That still seems like a strong disparity in risk of death.
  8. Uncle Sam gouged you on that ticket Brat. That's awesome, both the OP's story and this ticket stub.
  9. I wish it was a typo. It's actually probably closer to $35 for a 12 pack now. I only have a can once a week or so but it is ridiculous.
  10. Also Caffeine Free Coke Zero. Off the shelves for months in 2020. I saw some at our store around New Year's and bought four 12 packs. Haven't seen them in the store since. I have resorted to paying ~$30 per 12 pack on Amazon. Haven't even seen the 2-liter bottles in months. I am telling myself that since they have re-vamped Coke Zero that they stopped making the Caffeine Free version of Coke Zero for a while and it will be back. I am probably lying to myself but it helps me not to rage so I go with it.
  11. I appreciate the info, but after a couple of times through the linked document I haven't been able to decipher what the indexed score scale is. Can you break it down for me?
  12. Just got my test back. 2nd Pfizer shot 3/5. >2500 COVID 19 spike antibodies 51.4 SARS Covid 19 total antibodies. ( I had very mild case of Covid in early October 2020) I don't understand the meaning of the 51.4 result. Seems low but I don't see a range of expected options anywhere. Is it relative to the >2500 result or is there some different scale for the prior infection antibodies?
  13. orange dream

    Dallas | BBQ

    Ask them if they are ever going to re-open the Addison location? For real...
  14. I order mine with extra pickles so I get a fresh one also and don't have to suffer through the sandwich with no pickles. Their fries are complete TRASH. Can't believe the love those get. I think people must just dip them in sauce or something. TRASH!!
  15. I've had horse multiple times. Horse soup, sausage and ribeye. Ribeye is by far the best. Worst horse product I have had is room temperature fermented horse milk. Tasted like drinking smoked cheese. VOMIT!!
  16. In ... until the Maryland game
  17. I'd say responsible citizen answer is keep the 5th grader and 7th grader apart, keep them both home, test the 7th grader and yourselves every other day for a week and if all have continued to test negative send them back to school. No idea what the school required answer is.
  18. How did 24,000 gallons of water get in your house?
  19. Compliment indeed. Good job on 70 lb loss for real.
  20. Will make the SEC SEC SEC road games more of a TV event for me. ha ha
  21. sorry to hear about both your mom and your family.
  22. I was having lunch with a co-worker I didn't know very well one day and in the process of getting to know him I asked about where he likes to travel, etc. and he leads with "well I inherited 8 timeshares from my mom when she died..." I think I kind of blacked out after that.
  23. The "pretty nice cabin" part will be the rub in most places. There are some great lake houses for rent around Possum Kingdom and Cedar Creek probably also Texoma. The nice ones on the water are probably $600-$1,000 per night. Turner Falls is probably worth checking out but I don't know much about rentals around there. Despite everything I said, renting one of those houses in Broken Bow for a long weekend will probably be exactly what you are looking for if the goal is just kicking around in the woods and letting the kids throw rocks at each other while having the possibility of getting poison ivy. 😳 The first time went our kids were younger and that's about all we did (mess around in the woods, find poison ivy and have smores, etc.) and it was OK. We did do a canoe float trip that seems like it was alright now that I think about it. Our more recent trip was the one that was kind of a dud as the now older kids wanted to "do something" and there really wasn't much to offer.
  24. I've been a couple of times and the whole thing seems like a huge Ponzi scheme to me. If all you are looking for is a place in the woods to hang out and do nothing but "get away" then by all means you have your pick of hundreds (if not thousands) of houses (actually pretty nice ones) that are grouped (defeating the purpose of "getting away") in the middle of nowhere. The water is generally a bit of a distance away (car ride, not hike), very few restaurants worth eating at and little else to do. I'm stunned at how many $250k-500k cabins/houses there are up there and how many more are being built. It's been going on for at least a decade and it doesn't show signs of slowing down. I'm curious what the resale market for those places is like.
  25. Always a fan of Bowden and those early to mid 90's teams. RIP Coach. Man was also a great story teller... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QUEx1CHZktA
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