Sorry to hear that Brisket.
@Anastasis our 7 year old had what you described about a month ago. Middle of the night wake up, feeling bad, mild fever, etc. Woke up feeling fine but we kept him home just for good measure. They told us to get him back in school we needed a negative PCR, or a doctor note that it was something else entirely or wait 14 days. We had him do a PCR test that morning but were resigned to him being home for 2-3 days while the results came back. As a shortcut I went and did a rapid test on myself thinking there's no way he'd be positive if I was negative (no symptoms at all for me). Of course my rapid was positive. Shocked, I called my wife to tell her to go do a rapid test. She did and was also positive (again no symptoms). We both do PCR tests that also both came back positive. Meanwhile the 7 year old's PCR test comes back negative. 14 days later as we are prepping him to go back to school my wife is talking to the nurse for the 3rd party that is managing the school's Covid response and the nurse says, "most likely your 2nd grader gave it to both of you, we see family after family where mom/dad/older siblings test positive but the 12 and under kids never test positive after having maybe a night of waking up feeling sick or a bad afternoon and are better the next morning."
Moral of the story you and your wife should definitely get checked.