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orange dream

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Everything posted by orange dream

  1. TBH I didn't read through the entire press releases from the B1G or Pac12 but I'm not sure what is compelling them to make their decision today versus waiting a week or two or even until September 10th or so. Was the MAC and Mtn West decision that much of a shock to their sensibilities? Are there significant outbreaks on their campuses now that Fall camps have opened? Were the networks pressuring them for a decision (highly unlikely)? It seems like they could have announced that there would be no fans in stadiums, so people wouldn't plan trips or could cancel those already planned, but allow for a final decision on the Fall season much closer to when games were going to be played and with the benefit of seeing what happened among their players and staff once practices and classes fully resumed. Might still be the ultimate decision but just seems too early to make it in my opinion.
  2. ok, I scrolled through a cross section of the Sturgis live cam and can say with all sincerity I don't think I saw a single person under the age of 40 or with less than 30% body fat. I think in my mind there should be lots of this ... but really it's nothing but this...
  3. Did y'all hit up cedar point in Sandusky? Why the rush through Wiscy / Minny? Seems like there would have been some good places (lakes,etc.) to have spent some time along the way.
  4. Donated. So sorry to hear this. Prayers said too.
  5. also, the "Live Lucky" hat is the perfect choice for the photo.
  6. The reasoning is by switching sports around you run the risk of winter/spring sports losing two seasons which isn't fair to those kids or coaches. Yes, football is king, but the majority of coaches want to do the right things by the kids and not cause a mutiny on the coaching staffs. I know high school and lower level baseball and softball tournaments have been going on all summer without any significant incidents. Same for golf. No idea on summer track programs. I hear what you're saying regarding feeling bad that those sports lost a season last year but at that time everything was shut down (stay at home orders) regardless of whether it could be effectively socially distanced or not. It just makes more sense to move sports that can be socially distanced in an effective manner to play first and continue to delay contact sports. Clearly, I want there to be a football season but even if none of us had any concept of what specific time of year specific sports are "supposed" to be played and we were just shown clips of 15 minutes of each sport and asked to pick the best sports to be played during our current situation I think most everyone would pick baseball/softball, golf and track.
  7. I would think it would have to be something like what I kind of expect for the "conference games only" football model. Normally college teams play 12 regular season games but would only play 9 for the "2020" season. Then in 2021 do the same, maybe 10 games. So over the span of 2 seasons they have played 18 or 19 games instead of 24. High schools would go from normally playing 20 to 28 games in 2 seasons to playing 16-20. I'm thinking the time period would be Feb - May 2021 (9 games) and then Mid Sept - Dec 2021 (9 or 10 games). Not ideal but beats missing a complete season for those whose season / football career would be a complete wash if Fall 2020 gets canceled.
  8. Heading to Vail this weekend. It's been 15 or 20 years since I've been there. I read some of the overview posts upthread. Any other thoughts to share? Me, my wife, 18 YO son and 7 YO son. Planning to hike, bike and hopefully spend at least a day on a raft.
  9. Not sure if you were planning to post that in the college football thread because of the "draft" comment but the principle applies either way. The number of colleges / high schools with the kinds of players who would lay off an entire season to prepare for a draft / or to save themselves for college is pretty small and even at those schools it is 1 or 2 players per school at most. If the coach is that hung up on the whims of a player or two he better hope an unexpected injury never pops up.
  10. The thought is to move track / baseball (lend themselves to social distancing much more than football) to Fall when school starts, leave basketball where it is and move football / volleyball to late Feb - May window.
  11. Unfortunately that just seems to be the way things go as often as not. Looking back sometimes it's easier to understand / accept why the ship never seems to come in but it can be very frustrating in the middle of it. You, your wife and kids will look back at this time for the rest of your lives with fond and funny memories. If 6 months ago someone told you you would get to watch your wife drop the F-bomb on some drunk yankee bitch or that you would be buying a tent for the express purpose of having sex you'd have laughed and called them crazy. Dude, you are living peak Wulaw life right now whether you recognize it or not. Well worth 1500/month in the big scheme of things. I and most everyone else on this thread are living vicariously through you and pulling for you. All gas, no brakes!!
  12. Yes, that's the plan. This doesn't make much sense to me. I'm not sure what the driver is behind refusing to push things to the Spring. I mean I get that ADs,/ Coaches must be against it but I don't understand why?
  13. No doubt about that, but I can't believe there are many coaches that think we have a better chance of getting a season in now rather than in March / April. Is there something I'm missing?
  14. It will be interesting to see what happens. Still not sure why the sentiment of "there's no way we'll swap seasons" exists. Certainly there are logistical challenges, but welcome to 2020. Hopefully they will be able to get in at least a majority of the season.
  15. I'm hopeful that the UIL (and TAPPS then follows them) will push football to Spring and move baseball and track to Fall. I've seen some reports that ADs have been cold to the idea of swapping traditional seasons because they feel bad that the spring sports (baseball, softball, track) lost their seasons last year and don't want to move them to this Fall because the virus is still not under control. Certainly it's true that COVID is still in play but why not move sports that are naturally socially distant to this time and move the contact sport to a few more months away in hopes of getting that contact sport in. Baseball and softball tournaments have been going on all summer without any major incident that I have heard of.
  16. As the father of a Senior to be football player. I hope they are still open to moving football to the Spring.
  17. Can you drill down, at an angle, from much closer to the ground to apply the poison then? You also could just move the house and driveway. Problem solved.
  18. Did you ever address why you left several inches of the stump as opposed to cutting it off as close to the ground as possible? Seems like cutting it as close to flush as possible and then drilling down to administer whatever poison you want would be more effective than what you have done.
  19. endurance sports (I'm good with the 5k or sprint tri but why does anyone need to do an ironman or ultramarathon, hell even a regular marathon for that matter) second the mountain climbing vote from above high fashion ... Driving with earbuds in (seems very dangerous) ASMR
  20. Here's a preview of AB's kids inheritance...
  21. Agreed, it's not just the players. I just haven't seen any plan for how it will work. He goes to a smaller school, there are only about 40 guys on Varsity. OL are also generally the DL, Receivers are DBs, RBs are LBs, etc. if one tests positive and that results in the quarantine of their position group you lose entire units on both sides of the ball. Trying to stay positive for his sake but it's difficult. I've heard some discussion of moving Baseball to this Fall (easier to maintain social distance) and pushing football to post Spring Break. I just hope they don't say it either starts by mid-September or it's scrapped.
  22. Concerned about HS football also. My son will be a Senior, won't play in college, so this will be it. I'm hoping for the best but bracing for the worst. Getting more ragey by the day at people who refuse to wear masks, make any attempt to social distance, etc. because of the infringement on their rights.
  23. Our first pool had the pebbletec surface. My only complaint with it was that every year the first weekend of significant pool time would lead to scrapes on the bottoms of the toes (possibly the textbook definition of 1st world problems). Our current pool is an old 80's plaster pool and it feels oh so good on the tootsies. @troph, that view is outstanding!! Can't wait to see the finished project.
  24. Definitely curved. Probably a stupid question, but is the whole thing really elevated as shown in the drawing or is that just to highlight shape? if it is elevated are you building a deck around the house side?
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