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orange dream

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Everything posted by orange dream

  1. This section of the TX DHS covid dashboard has specifics about testing numbers and positive test rates for whoever was looking for that later. https://txdshs.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/0d8bdf9be927459d9cb11b9eaef6101f There a tabs for a variety of metrics. There is also a tab for the hospital metrics by region.
  2. We've been watching these also. Good content. Heard...
  3. probably worth the lawyer call. Explain situation and that you are aware of the 25 mph cap on dd and deferral but are curious if there are exceptions to that for which she may reasonably qualify.
  4. We will need the update on this one and video if it is available.
  5. we have a couple of oscillating fans with misters on the front. similar to this... They cool things off but drench you in the process. Am I just sitting too close or is that just how they work? There is no adjustment that I can see. We have the water at the spigot turned down as low as possible. Ideas?
  6. Ok, Snacks there's bound to be a picture of that which you need to post
  7. Not sure if this should be posted on the "unpopular opinions" thread or here... I like Dabo and feel like he's kind of getting slammed unfairly on this. The asst coach correcting a player by saying "we don't say n-word" is stupid but certainly not a scenario of a coach calling a player that or otherwise using it in conversation. The scenario of Dabo touring a prospective coach around the facility and being embarrassed by the language in the music and calling the team out on it is understandable and seems to be a story that was surfaced by a disgruntled person. The T-shirt is poor timing, but it's not like he had it made. It was gimme shirt from the National Football Foundation initiative that has been around for a couple of years, not that dissimilar to the SECSECSEC "It just means more" campaign. I'd imagine he's worn that shirt 30 times over the last couple of years and hasn't given ulterior meanings a second thought, but the timing is rough and it ought to be taken out of the rotation. The article below discusses the National Football Foundation's intent to re-name the initiative as a result of recent events. https://collegefootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2020/06/08/football-matters-national-football-foundation-renamed/ His players, (past and present) outside of some disgruntled ones, are defending him. He's a bit of a bumpkin but I'd take him on our sideline in a heartbeat. Having said that, I will grant that Herman's handling of these last couple of weeks have probably been his finest hours as UT's coach.
  8. I saw there was a crib in one of those pics. Was the incumbent wife still young enough that they still had little kids or was that probably for grandkids?
  9. That place is a bit of a fixer upper. I'm looking for something more move in ready. For real though, that is incredible. Always amazes me when I see a place like that and then remember it is their 2nd or 3rd house.
  10. We've had a Moen version for about 7 years. I wasn't particularly sold on it but relented to the wife's requests and I have to say it is great. Ours is touchless and can be activated in two ways, first by putting your hands or a glass, dish, etc. where you would normally put them to wash hands or fill a glass which will turn the water on for as long as motion is detected in that space. The second option is to wave your hand over the top of the neck of the faucet which will activate the water for about 10 minutes. Ours is plugged in so no idea about the battery issues others have mentioned. The comments about adjusting temp is valid, but hasn't been that big of an issue in my opinion. I don't know why anyone would pick the touch version instead of touchless. If you are going to have to touch it you might as well just push the handle.
  11. Does anyone (@MaclovioBrown ) know definitively that there are funds remaining in the PPP program? I found out this morning that a friend of a friend is having to lay people off on Monday because they never could get their PPP application approved / funded. I'd like to help them but I don't want to send them down a rabbit hole if there is no possibility of getting funded at this point. I get the impression that the EIDL program is only accepting new applications from agricultural based businesses at this stage. If that is wrong, please let me know that also. TIA
  12. Steven Thornton at Texas Orthopedic in Dallas is good if you need a second opinion
  13. From the documentary on Buffett a couple of years ago, the man appears to me to have some idiosyncrasies bordering on the abnormal. I'll bet the idea of moving out of Omaha terrifies him.
  14. The I'm an American by God crowd and their "why do you hate the constitution?" retort is more than I can handle. Outside of them being a pain in the ass, I really don't see why anyone would choose to not wear a mask in the current environment. No one is mandating it until the end of time. To me it really boils down to we can sit around the house for several months and continue to watch the economy die or we can wear a mask, practice some measure of social distancing and protection of the most vulnerable while resuming as much of our normal routines as possible. Yes, some of the early doomsday predictions were way off base, and now it's unknowable what the outcome of things would have been if the lockdown had not occurred so we find ourselves in this place of people who think the whole thing is a hoax or powergrab (by whom?) and others who think no one should leave their house until there is a vaccine. As someone said earlier the extremists on both ends are not helpful to the ultimate cause of people making sensible informed decisions and complying with the necessary guidelines when there are actual hotspots in the future.
  15. Info from the AICPA website dealing with PPP forgiveness: https://www.aicpa.org/interestareas/privatecompaniespracticesection/qualityservicesdelivery/sba-paycheck-protection-program-resources-for-cpas.html About 2/3 of the way down are these choices: 1st is just a link to the application from the treasury dept. 2nd-5th are links to excel based calculators to help walk you through the calculations depending on your specific scenario. Calculators PPP loan forgiveness calculator This calculator uses available guidance from the SBA and Treasury to track eligible costs covered by the PPP and provides a look at how much of your PPP loan may be eligible for forgiveness. PPP payroll calculators for loan application The PPP provides three scenarios for calculating maximum loan amounts depending on how long the business has been in operation and whether it’s seasonal. You can add all three to your COVID-19 resource library. They’re designed so that your client can complete them following the steps outlined in the calculator. When you click the link, please look for an Excel file calculator to download rather than opening in a new window. PPP Loan Calculator – Non-seasonal & In business 2/15/19 – 6/30/19 (Excel) This calculator will apply for most businesses that operated in 2019. PPP Loan Calculator – Nonseasonal & NOT in business 2/15/19 – 6/30/19 (Excel) This calculator will apply for new businesses. PPP Loan Calculator – Seasonal business (Excel) This calculator will apply for clients that don’t operate year-round. PPP Loan Calculator – Self-Employed (Excel) This calculator will apply for self-employed individuals.
  16. The info below is from Johns Hopkins also. I suspect PilotsError is referring to death rate as the % of deaths versus the whole population while you appear to be referencing the death rate versus those who are infected. gross death rates @ cases deaths population infection rate gross death rate death rate among infected 10x 50x 100x CA 69,418 2,789 39,510,000 0.18% 0.01% 4.02% 0.07% 0.35% 0.71% NY 338,485 27,215 19,453,561 1.74% 0.14% 8.04% 1.40% 6.99% 13.99% NJ 140,917 9,531 9,200,000 1.53% 0.10% 6.76% 1.04% 5.18% 10.36% TX 40,642 1,121 29,000,000 0.14% 0.00% 2.76% 0.04% 0.19% 0.39% FL 41,923 1,779 21,600,000 0.19% 0.01% 4.24% 0.08% 0.41% 0.82% MI 48,031 4,674 10,000,000 0.48% 0.05% 9.73% 0.47% 2.34% 4.67% LA 32,050 2,347 4,648,794 0.69% 0.05% 7.32% 0.50% 2.52% 5.05% AZ 11,736 562 7,278,717 0.16% 0.01% 4.79% 0.08% 0.39% 0.77% Totals 723,202 50,018 140,691,072 0.51% 0.04% 6.92% 0.36% 1.78% 3.56% Totals minus NY/NJ 243,800 13,272 112,037,511 0.22% 0.01% 5.44% 0.12% 0.59% 1.18%
  17. We were going to be there the last week of May and beginning of June. On the empty hotel front. Back around the time the quarantine started we were in middle of some remodeling and needed to be out of the house for a few days. We ended up renting 3 rooms so we could spread out a little for work and school purposes and it turns out we were the only guests in the almost 200 room resort hotel. Unfortunately, no food other than prepackaged grab and go stuff. The staff was very attentive ( and bored). They would actually push the elevator call and the floor buttons for us. I have 7 year old who is used to the "be quiet, don't run, etc." in hotel hallways. By the end of our time there we were playing hide and go seek and tag in the hallways. Pretty surreal experience. We considered a road trip to Big Bend in mid to late June but it looks like it's starting to heat up (100 degree highs) out there by then. Anyone been out there at that time of year. Thoughts?
  18. Just received an email this morning from the hotel that I was planning to stay in at the Amalfi coast has canceled my reservation as they will be closed. No big shock,( Flights and other parts of itinerary had already been canceled) but still makes me sad.
  19. classic by Ingram. Should be a fun minicamp once things kick back in. lol
  20. These guys both carried this wallet... Alfred Williams & Kanavis McGhee
  21. Just keep in mind that a 4 person tent comfortably holds 2 adults. Not to say you can't get 4 people in there, but it will be cozy. If you're carrying it a long way when you actually camp it might be worth keeping it small, but other than that get a 6 or 8 person tent to have a little room to spread out.
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