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orange dream

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Everything posted by orange dream

  1. If Randy White makes the list, I'll nominate Roger Staubach. Willie Nelson, Matthew McConaughey, George Strait, Kris Kristofferson, Steve Martin, Nolan Ryan
  2. Count me in on the Avios welfare if you have spots remaining. PM me or whatever to let me know what I need to do. Thanks.
  3. Mandarin Oriental is very nice. It is within reasonable walk of the National Mall, Washington Monument, Smithsonian, etc.
  4. I'll say this hits extremely close to home. Should be a crazy ride.
  5. Awesome. thanks. It won't let me rep anymore until the 24 hour period passes since I last hit my limit, but I will catch you when I can. I have avoided the trailers so I can let the season take me by surprise. Didn't realize they were fast forwarding 3 years. Outstanding.
  6. The "reaction"/ rep giving limit per day appears to be based on 24 hours, not calendar day. is that what others are seeing?
  7. For PSVue what kind of success do you have watching when away from home. I often get a message on the app and/or website that "this channel is blocked for remote viewing" Happens sometimes in the US and quite often if outside the US. Is there a safe proxy I can use outside the country?
  8. Shaggy Surly answer - DON'T get married real answer - I've always thought 2 months salary is a little high unless you are scraping by in which case you shouldn't be spending 2 months salary on a ring. Ultimately up to you to decide. If your prospective bride is going to get too caught up in the cost of the ring you should take that as a warning and run away. Not kidding.
  9. She did "cook" them. That's why it was so awesome and easy. Makes the whole process a lot less of a hassle and the taste is... well it's OMG amaaaazing!!! Don't overthink things.
  10. Hard to imagine the Mich/Loyola winner being able to win it all. Kind of wish the Nova/KU game was going to be the final.
  11. He may or may not be a good fit for this role but judging his fitness for duty based on how he is perceived from his time serving the tweeter in chief seems a bit unfair. Show me the person who you think has handled working on either the Trump campaign or administration well and done a good job of controlling perceptions / the message.
  12. I'm wondering if this is going to be a little like LOST where the series ends and you wonder why they never really addressed what at the time seemed to be 3 or 4 major stories. Hopefully not. How many episodes is this season supposed to be and will it be continuous or with a 2 month break halfway through?
  13. it's 9:29 on ou still sucks
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