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orange dream

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Everything posted by orange dream

  1. Knoxville, TN Metro is approaching 1MM University Medical Center is there. Most "left" part of TN Foothills of Smokies, lots of trails, etc. Decent live music Airport is probably the weak link, but they have multiple daily flights to DFW / ATL and Charlotte from which you can reach the world.
  2. To be fair, it says GOOD, not BEST. They're not wrong.
  3. So your dad and your cousins (heirs of your dad's siblings) own this property jointly? This felonious "relative" is a spouse or child of one of the siblings? What is the context of the expectation that the person would not be back on the ranch? Can some sort of 'game cam' or something similar be set up at places around the property where the feared damage is most likely to occur and when the inevitable happens prosecute to the full extent of the law?
  4. I sense there are people who can't stand Vitello but I'm not sure exactly why. The arky stink has washed off by now. He lost his mind a bit against us a few years ago at the CWS. To me he seems like a competitor, players seem to love him and recruits are heading his way. I'd love it, but I'll bet he just leverages for a raise in Knox.
  5. I get your point in context of the thread, but homering to walk off a CWS game would be the highlight of 99% of people who have ever played college baseball’s career.
  6. So, is the move to select the max for everything for every day and then you get (most likely don't get) what you get? (essentially you put a "ticket" in the hopper for each day's drawing unless you get selected which removes you from the remaining days' drawings) Or, do you pick 2 tickets for 1 day or practice day and somehow you have a better chance for that day based on your selectivity? Seems like being in every day's drawing is better. Anyone have any anecdotal experience upon which they base their current approach?
  7. Is this property that will pass to you upon his death? If so, is it you alone or a group of siblings? troph is obviously correct but if your old man is of sound mind and determined to "handle" this himself you are probably fairly powerless to implement any of the good advice unfortunately.
  8. Almost as good of a strategy as running 5 plays and gaining 34 total yards in Q3 of the Sugar Bowl so that we could keep our offense fresh for the 4th quarter.
  9. Hopefully it's nothing, but I think I would get a Neuro and SLP evaluation if I was him. Seems like there are a few causes of adult onset stuttering, some are no big deal, but some can be precursors to things that are better caught early. I'm 53 so this hits close to home.
  10. LIV team championship announced for Maridoe in Carrollton, September 20-22. https://www.golfdigest.com/story/liv-golf-names-maridoe-golf-club-site-for-2024-team-championship
  11. So, SD is listed in the "father" field on the birth certificate, he just never signed it?
  12. So, sperm donor (SD): 1. not on the birth cert 2. never married to mom 3. never provided support for the child Why does the kid have his last name? Was that last name given at birth even though SD not listed as father? Basically, how is he legally recognized as the bio dad other than your wife "mistakenly" thinking so? Is there an end-around to somehow legally acknowledge that the SD is NOT the father and then it negates the requirement to have SD "sign-off" on name change? If SD somehow proves (DNA test) that he is the father, hit him with 'child support' demand. Does he have an ability to pay for years of child support? If he crawfishes, like the cockmunch he sounds like, and disappears then you get what you want. Obviously I'm not a member of the Surly Legal Cartel, nor did I sleep at a Holiday Inn Express last night.
  13. Have to think they are just delaying so this can get sorted / dropped before the arraignment.
  14. https://www.amazon.com/Texas-Longhorns-Double-Sided-Marker/dp/B00QDFI30A/ref=asc_df_B00QDFI30A/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693769151477&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=17576021226811805774&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9026847&hvtargid=pla-827403093246&psc=1&mcid=1a48270c04f337c39abd56dcac86e9ce&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMItpXD5NKShgMVkE5HAR14KwmGEAQYASABEgIEN_D_BwE
  15. What's the story about Dan or Jake having a warchest / seed money?
  16. Seriously though, I understand being upset if your window gets broken but I'm not sure that approaching a group as a 70+ year-old, cussing and wielding a golf club is the right move. The specific amount needed for the repair tells me this isn't anywhere close to the first time this has happened. I think some unbreakable glass for the vulnerable windows would do wonders for this guy's life enjoyment factor. I certainly have been known to slice one from time to time, and once, even avoided buying a home on a course because of the potential hassle factor of golf balls hitting the house, but if someone does buy that house how do they let themselves get so worked up when ball hits it? Seems like a risk you could evaluate, and make your peace with, when making the purchase. Having said all that, the Birk foot on the dash tells me there's at least a 40% chance these guys are douches who deserved everything the old man gave them. Video ended 10 seconds too soon, I definitely wanted to see the next guy on the tee hit that ball.
  17. Watched this Saturday night. Grew up on the Von Erich rasslin' dynasty. I enjoyed it, but I had lofty expectations and came away disappointed. I agree with those who said it would likely be better as a 5-7 episode limited series. Hard to develop the characters and really examine the loss of each son without it just kind of running together in a 2 hour format. Is the gut Efron had an HGH thing? I thought that was weird the whole movie but had no idea how he could be so ripped but have a distended belly. Glad they made it rather than never having their story told but wish it could have been a limited series instead.
  18. Counterpoint, you are immediately ushered into the VIP at the Bada Bing wearing the threads on the left...choose wisely.
  19. Hang it just like that and I bet no one ever says a word about your mounting technique.
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