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orange dream

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Everything posted by orange dream

  1. On the bright side, at least you don't have to worry about getting sunburned. Glad y'all are making the most of it.
  2. I was having dinner with a co-worker while on a business trip several years ago. This wasn't a guy I knew very well so we are going through the gamut of small talk. So tell me about your family, where did you go to school, what do you like to do in your spare time, etc. Somehow we make our way to travel interests and he tells me that he has a timeshare. I'm thinking, "what a sucker!!" And then he goes on to tell me that he "inherited" EIGHT timeshares from his mom when she died. I was stunned. He said they use them and are happy with it. I still shake my head when I think of that conversation from time to time.
  3. OK, Longview, Texas. Someone on Surly either knows this dude, or is this dude. Several of them certainly do it poorly, but being a policeman is an impossible job (at least for me). I might have had a bodycam malfunction and beat this dude's ass and left his body blocking his driveway so his wife could later thank me.
  4. Sorry to hear it. I'll post a full trip re-cap later (arrived home last night about 10:30) but will say that my wife and I ended up saying things to each other we both regretted during our drive to Fort Augustus during a multi-hour downpour ( a semi, a pothole and her cellphone were involved). 😀
  5. We are pretty close to there, by the botanic gardens. Bingo and cheap pints … your son will be a hit with the ladies.
  6. Arrived in Glasgow today ( Tuesday). We ended up with a Mercedes Vito, not a Sprinter. I think it is a good size for us, room for everything and everyone, but not as large as a sprinter. Just picked the Inverary Jail as a stopping point on our 3-4 hour drive and something different than another castle. We saw three in Ireland and have two more planned in Scotland. I’m open if someone else has a better suggestion for something on the way between Glasgow and Fort Augustus. @Brisketexan in what part of town is your flat? Also is your boy at Strathclyde, U of G or elsewhere? Highs in the low 60s with periodic rain. Loving the break from the Texas heat.
  7. Would you rather drive 5 adults and luggage around in a Fiat? My options are limited.
  8. Those ND unis are sweet.
  9. Aer Lingus from Dublin to Glasgow (EI 3222 depart 10:20A arriving 11:30A) Yes, it is a lot in a little bit of time. We have a 9-passenger van (Sprinter or equivalent) which I understand may be a challenge on non-highway roads but the alternative was not having adequate space for long stretches each day. All insurance has been purchased. I believe we are in good shape on showers, but time will tell. Skye tour starts and ends in Ft. Augustus because they are picking us up and dropping us off at our hotel. It will be on Thursday and should start at 9:30 and end around 6:30 I believe. Balmoral tour is Friday and we have a 1-4 pm arrival window. St. Andrews plan is to arrive Saturday night, (staying at the Old Course Hotel) and plan to get up on Sunday morning and walk at least a portion of the course as I understand it to be closed on Sundays for golf but open to the public (like a park) for strolling. Drive to Edinburgh afterwards. Our Edinburgh Castle tour commences at 3:45. Royal Mile as we have time. Our hotel is on the Royal Mile. Food (grab and go limited to non-existent) en route and drive times (may take longer than I estimate) have been my concerns as well. Have thought about arranging with our hotel to make box lunches for us as we leave each morning. Aer Lingus from EDI to DUB (EI 3553 depart 9:15A arriving 10:30A) to catch our flight back to US.
  10. We will spend a week in Ireland prior to arriving in Scotland, but here are the bones of the Scotland part of our trip in the first week of August. Thoughts on any "don't miss it" experiences along our route? There are 5 of us ( me and the wife with our two early 20s kids and our 11-year-old) Renting a car. Day 1 - Arrive Glasgow by air (walking tour) - spend night in Glasgow Day 2 - Glasgow to Ft. Augustus (Southern tip of Loch Ness) via Inveraray (Inverary Jail) - spend night in Ft. Augustus Day 3 - Private tour of Isle of Skye (R/T from hotel in Ft. Augustus) - spend night in Ft. Augustus Day 4 - Ft. Augustus to Ballater via Inverness - (Balmoral Castle tour) - spend night in Ballater Day 5 - Ballater to St. Andrews via Aberfeldy and Perth (Highland Games and Wallace Monument) - spend night in St. Andrews Day 6 - St. Andrews to Edinburgh (walk Old Course Sunday morning / Edinburgh Castle tour afternoon / Royal mile) - spend night in Edinburgh Day 7 - Depart for US
  11. Delta - IAH to Columbia, SC with a stop in Charlotte. Or AA - IAH to Columbia with stop in DFW Columbia to Augusta about 1.5 hrs
  12. Awesome. I'll just assume they gave him my tickets. Hope y'all have fun!!
  13. Neither have I.
  14. Why not? For $8 or $14 (no ads) you can watch it all and cancel it the day after you sign up to make sure you don't get stuck paying after the Olympics are over. You will still have access for a month which will get you all the way through the Paris games.
  15. Love me some Bobby Mc
  16. Knoxville, TN Metro is approaching 1MM University Medical Center is there. Most "left" part of TN Foothills of Smokies, lots of trails, etc. Decent live music Airport is probably the weak link, but they have multiple daily flights to DFW / ATL and Charlotte from which you can reach the world.
  17. To be fair, it says GOOD, not BEST. They're not wrong.
  18. So your dad and your cousins (heirs of your dad's siblings) own this property jointly? This felonious "relative" is a spouse or child of one of the siblings? What is the context of the expectation that the person would not be back on the ranch? Can some sort of 'game cam' or something similar be set up at places around the property where the feared damage is most likely to occur and when the inevitable happens prosecute to the full extent of the law?
  19. great catch!!
  20. I sense there are people who can't stand Vitello but I'm not sure exactly why. The arky stink has washed off by now. He lost his mind a bit against us a few years ago at the CWS. To me he seems like a competitor, players seem to love him and recruits are heading his way. I'd love it, but I'll bet he just leverages for a raise in Knox.
  21. In, but only if this guy is involved.
  22. I get your point in context of the thread, but homering to walk off a CWS game would be the highlight of 99% of people who have ever played college baseball’s career.
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