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Storm the Field

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Everything posted by Storm the Field

  1. Coldest temps (so far) of the season inbound Sunday evening.
  2. Most of us gonna see a 40+ degree temperature drop between lunchtime Sunday and waking up on Monday.
  3. I'm aware of what I need to do, I just need to do it. need to drink less and eat better, in addition to probably doubling my current amount of cardio and adding in some core exercises.
  4. Since I started last year's thread, I figured I'd do the honors. Dragging ass a bit this morning after New Years Day festivities, but planning to get in a good sweat in the gym this afternoon and then will have my first sober night's sleep in a while. I'm gonna give it a day or two to let the bloating subside from holiday excesses, so I think I'll wait until Saturday morning to do first weigh-in of the year. Almost Entirely Dry January starts today. Big goal for this year is cutting body fat. Have lifted pretty consistently the past 2 years and added on a significant amount of muscle, but I'm still pretty damn doughy around the abdomen.
  5. Let's get back to wrecking shit this year. '24 Stros were just not as fun to watch as I'd grown accustomed to the past decade. Plenty of nights I didn't turn on the broadcast for a single pitch and instead just occasionally checked the score on Twitter.
  6. It's finally over. I'm fucking beat, but when I get home from work this evening, it'll just be me, the wife, and our dogs and we're going to have a boring old regular weeknight. Simple homemade dinner followed by an episode or 2 of one of our shows and then off to bed at a reasonable time. Can't wait!
  7. Video of cute puppy getting rescued off the side of the road somewhere in Asia: AI Narrator: "Observe the heartwarming moment the man notices the helpless dog on the side of the thoroughfare. On his way from his employment, he sees the small dog yelping in discomfort. The puppy shakes, wishing for its mother. The man does not intend to bring home another mascot, but then his heart decides he cannot abandon the dog. He takes it home and it with haste becomes a partner of the family group."
  8. Ready to kickoff a healthy January after blowing it out the last 8 days. One last evening ahead having few drinks and eating too much at NY Dinner. Friends we've had staying with us since the 28th go home tomorrow and it'll finally be quiet around the house. Looking forward to getting a good sweat in at the gym tomorrow afternoon and then waking up feelin like a new man on Friday morning after the first night's sleep with zero alcohol in a week and a half. New thread for 2025?
  9. Uhh, what they gonna put out for MLK Day? Dreams?
  10. SIAP, but watching a video in another thread just reminded me: The horrible AI narration that is on seemingly 50% of internet videos now.
  11. Looks like just regular ol' bipolar January weather for Houston. Next 7 days feature a mix of cool and dry, gray and drizzly, warm and muggy, Thunderstorms, and then finally a fairly robust cold front.
  12. Pulled back later in the day and closed at a still respectable $3.93 (+16%). Already down 6% this morning to $3.70. Glad I'm not a trader.
  13. Holy crap. Natty up almost 24% so far this morning. $3.39 -> $4.19
  14. Heading into Xmas with WTI just a hair above $70 and natty at $3.95. I'll take it.
  15. Not really bitching about family per se, b/c I get along fine with both my family and my in-laws, but more about the amount of time I have to spend being surrounded by people over the next 10 days. I'm not a loner by any means, but I'm definitely a bit of an introvert and I enjoy my personal (quiet) time. I also am a creature of habit. Hitting the road tomorrow to go spend Xmas Eve and Xmas Day doing shit with my side of the family at my folks place. Then Thursday and Friday visiting the wife's family in Louisiana. Get back to Houston on Saturday just in time for my wife's best friend and her new boyfriend (who I've never met) to fly in from Colorado to stay with us until the 2nd. Tonight is more or less my last night of normalcy until next weekend.
  16. Not ideal weather for the week of Xmas. At least it looks like it should dry up and cool back down by NYE.
  17. It's based on where you are in the revenue/payroll pecking order. We were over the luxury threshold last year, so higher cost to sign a QO player/lower return to have a QO player sign elsewhere.
  18. Related: Natty currently at $3.67 as of this post. Highest price in over 700 days. Last time above $3.60 was 1/10/23.
  19. Post A Pic You'd See Printed Out and Clipped to Your Grandma's Fridge.
  20. Foggiest morning I think I've ever experienced in Houston on the way to the gym this morning. 150% humidity.
  21. Good news is that it will be nice and cool for most of the rest of the time you're here. Cool front arriving tomorrow evening and it shouldn't get above high 60's again until Monday.
  22. December is the toughest time of year for me to make any fitness progress. Treading water and not packing on too much extra fat is about the best I can do. So many parties, end-of-year client lunches, family get-togethers...etc. For the entire month of January I'll do my annual routine of avoiding booze as much as possible and sticking to a much stricter diet, so I usually allow myself to play fast and loose over these final 2 weeks of the year. important to at least stick to my usual workout schedule even if I'm taking in too many calories (via both food and beer). Always nice to start out the new year without needing to spend the entire month of January just building back to pre-Thanksgiving strength.
  23. Nice cold front ahead Thursday-Sunday, but wish we could push it back a few days. Current forecast for Christmas week sucks.
  24. I'm well aware that I owe my wife a really nice Xmas gift, as it was both her 40th birthday and our 10th anniversary earlier this Summer. We looked at a bunch of watches when we were in Switzerland back in August and I got a pretty good idea of what she likes. Ordered this on Saturday, should be arriving later this week, just in time for the holidays. I will soon be in a distant 2nd place in the watch rankings in our house.
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