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Everything posted by JimmyHoffa

  1. I agree, at the very least the final challenge was actually a legit competition. I love that Cara couldn't figure out the lock and so shocked that after saying she was retiring she is coming back.
  2. Not even close. The first 2-3 years at Sirius were amazing and the show isn't anywhere close to that level now.
  3. Their biggest rival (St. John's) was the only school that voted to keep them in the league. (and St. John's sister school- All women's St. Benedict)
  4. At the very least if you aren't going to link the story/source at least type in the fucking message where you got the info from. It's common fucking courtesy.
  5. That's why Artie is missed on the show. He had great one liners and was always there to fill in the gaps when Howard started to talk about sports. And of course it was way less air time for Robin.
  6. If a 5 year old is even holding a bat it's a win. If a 5 year old is even standing in the outfield (and not laying on the ground or chasing a butterfly) it's a win. Take a deep breath, smile, laugh, and enjoy watching kids be kids. But by all means if you want to help babysi.... I mean coach have at it!
  7. Yeah this weather is beyond bullshit at this point.
  8. As do I but that ship has sailed long ago. Hell there are fucking 7U teams that play 60 games a year and have year round practice. Just sad.
  9. That is the same with our league. 10 and 11 rec league teams still have some decent players and numbers out but once you hit 12 there are about half the number of teams due to kids moving to select teams. I actually don't have a problem at all with that as by 12/13 kids have matured enough to have an idea who is cut out to play more competitive baseball and who isn't.
  10. PREACH!!!!!! I have twin 9 year old boys. We could have been playing on a "travel" team the last 2 years but refuse to do so for the reasons above. I just hate how parents have ruined youth sports thinking their kid is going to be the next MLB star. Throw in the douchebag coaches that think they are managing a MLB team and it totally turns me off. But the Rec league issues are real. I was lucky to get a pretty good team with enough kids that are pretty decent it has made games and practice manageable. I have 3 or 4 that are just out to be out. That said I don't give a shit if we win or lose I want he kids to have fun, try their best and get better. If I create nothing but a baseball fan and a kid that works hard than my job is done. My biggest gripe is coaches (and parents) in the "travel" mindset only seem to care about winning that weekend trophy and aren't actually trying to teach/coach their players how to be better baseball players and develop as they age. That is a massive problem that is pretty much a run away train at this point. Throw in the fact that parents are basically forcing parents and kids to make a commitment to one sport younger and younger is idiotic. Kids playing wiffle ball, basketball in the driveway, soccer/football in the back yard with their friends is just as important if not more so than paying $250 an hour for that private lesson. And finally the number of kids with blown out elbows/shoulders at age 12 is child abuse if you ask me. I have an orthopedic surgeon friend who said the number of 11-14 year old kids he sees with arm issues pisses him off to no end and most of the parents just want to know when they can get their kid back on the field and don't seem to give a shit about their kids long term well being.
  11. This was pretty awesome (and well deserved as well)
  12. While I agree it could be better the game was fucking over. And that bloop hit over Rizzo's head was a fluke.
  13. Live Stream https://kfor.com/on-air/live-streaming/
  14. I can't believe Tyler/Angela and Heligh/Fessy are still together.
  15. That would have been a significantly better ending then what they came up with. King Broken aside.
  16. Agreed. But I would guess many on the left are saying the election is more important that trying to impeach Trump. I would hope that those in the middle and independents that voted for Trump and those on the left that didn't vote will realize the errors of their way and things should take care of themselves. I think the biggest question for a lot of people is what's more important for you- Winning in 2020 or having Trump be impeached? Sadly I think a lot of people just want him impeached and can't get passed it, regardless if it's good for the democrats or not in 2020.
  17. I thought ER was really good. Big Bang was good (yeah, yeah, I know) Dexter edges GOT for the worst that I can remember.
  18. Just finished last weeks episode over lunch. I still like it not as good as Banshee but still entertaining. Shit's about ready to get turned up to 11 I believe. I am getting more annoyed by the idiot gambling cop as each episode passes.
  19. I would stay in Naperville and drive to the city if you have time. Otherwise as others have mentioned it would be a pain in the ass to stay downtown and drive the 45 minutes after the wedding.
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