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Everything posted by JimmyHoffa

  1. I agree Big pharma is bending over the american public but they are being helped by the FDA and their fucking idiotic rules that allow them to do such things. Like adding a meaningless additive to a current medication that delays it going generic. Or taking a fucking piece of plastic and wrapping it around a needle and charging 40 times what it cost for just the needle and medication.
  2. I don't disagree but it's no secret that Medicare pays significantly less then what doctors and hospitals negotiate with the private insurance companies. Just so we are clear here are you saying that at the current Medicare reimbursement rates the doctors, hospitals and facilities would be fine with only receiving that for services rendered?
  3. I really hope they aren't setting up a Selina/Jonah ticket but I think that is where we are headed.
  4. Here is a little article explaining how those in the U65 market subsidies those over 65 that are on Medicare. I am not saying it can't change but the whole system would need to be overhauled (as it should) but not as easy as just repeating the great political talking point- "MEDICARE FOR ALL!!!!" Medicare also pays less than private-sector insurance, which has troubling implications for the availability of many types of care. Many hospitals, for instance, have thin profit margins, and wouldn’t be able to stay in business if Medicare covered everybody and paid 40% less than private-sector plans, as it does now. At the same time, more people would have coverage, meaning an increased supply of patients would have fewer facilities to choose from. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/medicare-and-social-security-report-164819544.html
  5. No, it was Selina that got Dan's shaft.
  6. 1st off, I agree 100% that both the first two episodes have been meh for those that only watch the show for battles and don't give a shit about the characters and their stories. Yes, a lot of people love the show for the action but just as many if not more love the characters. Neither side is right or wrong both just need to realize that like everything else there can be multiple reasons why someone can love a show. The episode was a victory lap for a ton of characters that are probably going to see little to no dialog or closure before they get their head's ripped off in a intense battle that won't give any time for the viewer to process the death or complete their story because it will be in the middle of an epic battle. The writers were in a no win situation and someone is always going to bitch about how they finished it. If they had a 6 episode battle, people would bitch they didn't get the closure on their favorite characters and vice versa those of us that love the fight scenes and action are going to be pissed that they had a couple of set up episodes to give fans that love everything else about the show something to enjoy. We aren't talking about extras dying in mass we are assuming that a ton of characters that people know and love will be seeing their demise in the next couple of episodes. Bottom line would I have done the first two episodes a little different? probably but I also understand why they did what they did, and don't have a problem with it.
  7. My wife is going to a function at our kids school today without me, she called me this morning and this is the actual conversation- Me- Hello Mrs Hoffa- Where should I park today when I go to school? Me- Um, in the parking lot Mrs Hoffa- Well it's going to be super busy what do I do if it's full? Me- Park in the back parking lot Mrs Hoffa- What if that is really busy too? Me- Well then you might have to park on one of the side streets across from the school and walk Mrs Hoffa- Ok, Thanks! The best or worst part is my wife is smart as shit, common sense sometimes however......
  8. Episode 3 tonight. Everybody is still watching correct?
  9. "Don't forget to drink a lot of water"
  10. Because he views Putin (Russia) as a potential friend and more importantly someone who's shady as fuck like he is that he might like to do business with in the future, like he had clearly tried in the past. Trump is a bumbling fool but he knows where his bread is buttered. It's why as soon as people turn on him he goes for the jugular- (Mika and Scarborough, etc.) You either put up with the stupid drunk uncle and his bullshit or he's calling you every name in the book like a spoiled 5 year old. It's his MO and has been his entire life. He's a simple man that is in way over his head on a lot of things and isn't used to his lies, half truth's and laughable statements being called out time after time. Because when he was just a self absorbed douche Celeb in NYC everyone put up with him because it was good for the charity event they were attending together and more importantly great PR because the media love themselves The Donald. He's basically a comic book character that is so stupid that he was lucky that people in high enough positions in DC put up with the drunk uncle and never followed through with his requests/demands.
  11. If Medicare for All ever is to become a thing- everyone will be taking a haircut. You, me, doctors, hospitals, and every company that has a hand in our current health care system. How much? Nobody knows but it will be affected and for it to even have a shot at working that means less of the pie to go around for EVERYONE. That will certainly include doctor's pay along with every other healthcare professional.
  12. Couldn't agree more. Oh by the way don't forget to buy his book- The People Are Going to Rise Like the Waters Upon Your Shore A Story of American Rage
  13. No, it's offset by the rest of the "market". In the same way some doctors cap the number of Medicare patients they take on or refuse to take Medicare at all.
  14. assholes and such. Everyone has one. Works both ways- Medicaid, Medicare Reimbursement $57.8B Below Hospital Costs In 2015, $58.7 billion in Medicaid and Medicare reimbursement shortfalls and high uncompensated care costs affected hospital revenue cycles, the AHA found. https://revcycleintelligence.com/news/medicaid-medicare-reimbursement-57.8b-below-hospital-costs
  15. Yeah, I remember that now that you mention it. Not a smart move when you are competing against those individuals to get back in the game.
  16. Correct. Which is another reason why he probably didn't want the investigation because it would be proof to everyone how stupid he actually is.
  17. To any sane person you are 100% correct. However we are talking about Trump who is too dumb to actually understand what that means and the reaction to the news could be viewed to him as "I'm fucked" because it will be bad PR and make him look bad, not based on actual evidence but that the "bad guys will get the good guys". Everyone including Trump knows he's dirty and has been his whole life but to what extent and what actual evidence they can gather to tie him to those criminal acts seem to be the largest issue.
  18. I don't disagree, but would be interesting to see if those same doctors would be OK with having their income capped at $75K a year because of "Medicare for all" reimbursement rates. And that is only primary care doctors not even including specialists, surgeons, etc. And I love the paperwork and "arguing with insurance companies complaints" They either have no Medicare patients or are fine with being told what treatment they can and can't give their patients because, wait for it............................. "medicare won't approve this". It's the same shit just packaged in a different box. Some believe it will be better, I just like with the ACA think it will be worse for a lot of people. Get ready for Public vs. private care as it will be coming if Medicare for All ever does pass.
  19. To some including yourself sure. But that sure as hell wasn't the reason why it was passed. It was access to coverage for all those people that couldn't get it, which has failed miserably with the number of people that still don't have coverage even though in most cases it would be free. And if you view it as a success by screwing over the middle class well my hats off to you. But I do agree there is no going back, I think the most logical option will be catastrophic cap based on income and employers and private insurance companies being allowed to offer/sell plans to fill in gaps like we currently have with the current Medicare setup.
  20. Agreed. But I am sure we will continue to see them from time to time as the producers think it helps to bring back people that the audience knows or likes.
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