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Everything posted by JimmyHoffa

  1. Agreed one or three, just not two that would never work. And great stuff Derka.
  2. The writing is so great. So many amazing one liners that are so easy to miss.
  3. 21 walks in 3 games. That isn't going to get it done.
  4. mean, median, and mode math homework for my son has given me so much content I might have to start charging to share.
  5. FUCK. I am only 4 episodes in on Season 3.
  6. Shaggy 1%ers (give or take)? Sure they are valid options Everyone else- WAY WAY WAY down the list of things they should be looking at. Bottom line there is no perfect solution for everyone, it depends on their situation.
  7. Office phone rings- (local cell number on caller ID) Me- Hello this is Jimmy Hoffa? Douche Sales Guy- HI THIS IS JOE DUMBFUCK FROM YADDA YADDA TECH COMPANY- DOES MY NAME OR COMPANY SOUND FAMILIAR? Me- No DSG- Well I sent you an email last week to explain about how my company is the best company to keep in contact with your current clients to generate leads Me- Not, interested DSG- I understand but what are you currently doing for leads? Me- Not, interested DSG- (getting pissed that I don't want to listen to his pitch) YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE MISSING OUT ON, blah, blah, blah Me- Look as someone in sales let me give you a little piece of advice, if someone politely tells you NO twice it might be time to move on DSG- THE FIRST RULE OF SALES IS TO NOT TAKE NO FOR AN ANSWER........... Me- Thanks, we are done have a nice day DSG- I WILL BECAUSE I AM IN SALES WITH A TECH COMP..... Me- Click Good times on a Friday afternoon.
  8. I hear you and a valid point. It was more in response to Okie State about wondering where he was at vs. others. Absolutely if someone wants to live balls out paycheck to paycheck and work until they are 80+ well good for them, not the route that I would go but to each their own. I have seen the other side of things when people have no money left are on Medicaid and can't do a damn thing but lay around and wait to die. It ain't pretty. But to each their own.
  9. Yeah the "pay in" plus increase in quarterlies is always a kick in the nuts.
  10. Right, I agree. It's just a natural tendency to compare yourself to others and their success be it perceived or not. Mostly I'm just curious if I'm making smart decisions with the means I have available to me. I think I am, but it's still interesting to me to see how others live and invest and build wealth. I wouldn't consider myself overly materialistic, but I do appreciate quality and I do have goals to improve my and my family's situation in the future. Story time with Mr. Hoffa- Our neighbors growing up were my parents best friends (and still are). They had a son the same age as me so we hung out a lot since our parents did. We were solidly in the lower to middle middle class growing up, Our neighbors were in the upper middle class- Not Texas rich but they had a nice house, cars, went on great vacations every year, he had every toy I wanted, Nintendo, etc. Fast forward 30 years and my parents retired at 62 are having a great retirement, no debt, 2nd home (condo by the beach) multiple vacations a year, golf, just doing pretty much anything they want (within reason) My parents best friends rarely travel, are supporting their two kids (to some extent) and just aren't having the retirement they should because they didn't save nearly enough when they were younger. The moral of the story it becomes really dangerous to compare yourself with others around you and if you aren't careful it can be your downfall. Don't worry about what other people are doing, have good advisors or mentors that help see the big picture and that's all that matters. But bottom line people of all income levels make awful decisions with their money and far too few of them have any guidance and end up wishing they would have done things differently when they were younger. Time is a bitch and the one thing we can never get back. TLDR: Be smart with your money and don't worry about what anybody else is doing.
  11. That is the sane response. But "NBC called for an interview and I don't want to miss the opportunity to get my name and face on TV again" takes over and here we are. It's the Trump model of PR.
  12. Yeah, I thought I remembered that clip. To me that makes it even worse, he's a grown adult have the fucking balls to tell her to back off.
  13. OPENING DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. I don't know if it was actually the first one I saw or just the first I remember.
  15. Not bad picks. The returning players kind of throw a wrench into the edits a bit as they tend to get more screen time early on because they are known to the audience. But on the flip side aside from last night Joe had next to no screen time outside of challenges.
  16. What's funny to me is it's day 19 and they are speaking for the first time on camera. There isn't a shot in hell of them winning unless they start to get some serious screen time moving forward. Granted it's because they have been at Tribal so much but Lauren and Wentworth (especially) have the "best" edit so far. Not sure either wins but I don't see both of them going home anytime soon or if they do I could see one of them winning the last chance to get back in the game. As far as the returning players, all the new players have seen past seasons and know the longer you keep them around the more dangerous they become. Getting Joe out last night was the right move but based on the previews the core 6 is going to start splitting as human nature is going to take over and one of them is going to start getting on the nerves of the other players in their alliance.
  17. Agreed, but you can say that about plenty of stories every damn day. Welcome to social media.
  18. Get new property tax statement in the mail. Mrs Hoffa- When we pay off our mortgage do we still have to pay property taxes?
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