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Everything posted by JimmyHoffa

  1. Any leak yet on the big lie that will be explained in his new book?
  2. Why the hell didn't they use the net they had to catch a chicken? I posted with spoiler on the 1st page of this thread how it will work.
  3. So looking forward to Howard bitching about his trip to Italy after he gets back.
  4. It doesn't surprise me that a lot of the high profile people didn't have info on him. Aside from finding it weird that he had a little kid that wasn't his with him on tour and around him all the time not sure how much he did as far as actual abuse or weird behavior in front of his staff and collaborations. It's the same shit as Sandusky taking boys with him to Bowl games. Like seriously how the hell doesn't an adult (OR HIS FUCKING WIFE) find that odd. Your point about people being paid a lot of money to keep their heads in the sand is probably accurate. Sad but true.
  5. She can only sleep with and "have feelings for" so many guys in the house before they have to vote her in. I did think it was funny that on camera he admitted to lying about not telling Nany that he was more attracted to her than Georgia.
  6. Yeah I hate that they do that shit. And it's not just the challenge it seems all competition reality shows need to beat you over the head with the person during the episode before they end up going home. Leroy had about 2 minutes of air time all season before last night.
  7. I would have loved to see Paulie and Ninja Nicole in that one. They would have won in half the time those two teams took. I loved the two challenges last night but they should have given the women 20/30 bags instead of 40 it would have made it a lot more interesting instead of just coming down to who was the better female.
  8. With more fluff than the NCAA tourney selection show.
  9. Yes, but she KNOWS where she is going and couldn't possibly be told a better route.......
  10. PASS THE FUCKING BALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No, I'll go 1 v 3 instead of passing to a wide open net.
  11. This shit happens all the time with my wife. If she is driving anywhere and doesn't know the route or is a little lost she calls me and it somehow becomes my fault that she doesn't know what route to take even though she has a car with GPS. My favorite occurrence was when she got lost about 2 miles from our house because she took a wrong turn. She called me at work and I looked up google maps so she could tell me what cross street she was at and I could tell her what street to turn on to get back on the main road she knew. Me- Turn right on Lott St. and that will take you back to the 7th and you will know where you are Mrs. Hoffa- It's not Lott St., it's Loft St.
  12. Correct, and it isn't just at UT that goes on everywhere. Full ride scholarships to somewhat athletic women that are willing to learn how to row and work out. As for the numbers the rowing teams are where schools stock pile female scholarships. It's also why all male sports other than football and basketball have for the most part partial scholarships and almost every female on most college teams have full rides. Obviously it can vary from school to school and sport to sport.
  13. My two rules are as follows- 1. Are your guaranteed a pay increase by completing it? 2. Does your current company require it for upper level positions or other fields you are looking to get into? If the answer is no to those above than it's just another piece of paper. Most employers (including your own) value what you currently do more than a piece of paper. If they want to keep you they will find a way to get you the position you are looking to get (along with the pay increase) If you are looking to completely change careers then it would probably help. Interviews are key. I would hire a guy without a degree who has a personality and people skills over some over educated robot that can't carry a conversation for 5 minutes. But that's just me. (Oh shit forgot you were an engineer my bad............)
  14. Fixed it. I also love the surprised look when he shows up at someone's door except you know they are already mic'd up in the room and a camera crew is in there along with a sound guy, lighting guy, and 3 producers. Anybody that doesn't laugh their ass off watching this show at the amount of BS they try and pass off as "real" is comical. People are so fucking stupid.
  15. 1. Yes but don't ever say "single payer" again as it's a bad word and no matter how great a non starter for a lot of idiots 2. Disagree, allow companies to subsidize the coverage or buy add on coverage similar to the Medicare Supplement market but for office visits, accidents, critical illness, etc. And allow individuals to buy their own if companies don't offer it 3. Yes 4. Yes, but lets go for a total revamp of the system. Sorry hospitals you aren't charging $50 for a Kleenex that's part of the "visit" or total "stay charge" 5. yes and also tell the rest of the world to fuck off we are no longer paying the subsidy for you to get the same drugs we use for lower costs.
  16. Aunt Becky dunking hard on Arizona State- HA!
  17. It's a massive system wide issue and one that is going to take a complete revamp to fix. In theory Price Transparency is obviously a good thing. However......................... Aside from an office visit the line item charges for doctors, facilities, exams, tests, band aids, needles, medicine, instruments, and the codes that go along with them well good luck to anyone that is looking to see those up front costs and having even have a clue what the majority of those charges are for. I'm not saying it's fine the way it is but again until they fix cost of care it isn't going to matter showing someone what costs are up front. Aside from truly elective surgeries or tests most people aren't going to be looking at what their costs will be when they are on the table needing to get their appendix removed before it explodes. The easiest place to start would be with drugs. And yes the Medicare/Medicaid reimbursement rates are a massive issue. There is a reason why many rural hospitals are closing shop as they can't afford to only have Medicare patients in their beds and using their services.
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