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Everything posted by JimmyHoffa

  1. So many chances but the first and last touches were just well below their normal standard. So many giveaways.
  2. For those that weren't around when the internet was invented- (the anchors in studio contributing "oh no!" and "I think she's actually hurt" make it that much better)
  3. Agreed. Not perfect but looked really good on attack just need to get a few in the back of the net in the second half and not give up any stupid goals.
  4. 1. octopus/bone marrow pasta at Marea in NYC 2. Spicy Nacho Doritos 3. Ranch Dressing (homemade not the bottled shit)
  5. Ick. If she said it was unwashed I would assume she could get a hell of a lot more for it-
  6. Update- I was on hold at work with a company so I jumped on DirecTV online chat and after about 30 seconds the guy offered me an additional $75 off a month for a year. So, I guess the old "hang up until you talk to the right person" is still the route to go at least for as long as you can stomach dealing with these idiots.
  7. The noise she makes is what makes that clip. between muffled "I can't breathe"
  8. Nope. If you have a Sirius vehicle it's included on the cheapest plan (Sirius Select) If you have a XM vehicle it's not included on the cheapest plan (XM Seletct) The reason why I know this is I used to have a Chevy and always had to pay the extra for Howard, bought a Ford a couple of years ago and didn't have to pay extra.
  9. Yeah, back when you needed to buy a radio to put in your car he drove a shit ton of sales and helped sirius close the massive gap with XM. But anymore I think most people continue the subscription after it runs out on their new car because they like the total content. I haven't listened to regular radio in probably 5 years and will never go back so whether it's Sirius or some other music/show streaming source I don't see that changing.
  10. Yep, Pinky is right up there with the grape lady.
  11. I love Pinky the cat so much, I know what's coming and I still laugh my ass off every time
  12. Yeah, unless they were smart and did everything in person (not a chance) there will be plenty of records showing that members of the coaching staff and the AD knew about what was going on the whole time.
  13. shouldn't have mattered as she was out of the baseline. Deadball automatic out, runners can't advance.
  14. A lot of holes and questions I have on this alleged "timeline" https://www.omaha.com/huskers/football/timeline-details-maurice-washington-investigation-and-when-nebraska-became-aware/article_5457fc74-cc4a-5785-ad9b-e93d339a0c39.html
  15. Dan Patrick said he spoke to some NFL sources who said the payout was closer to $5 Million with a donation to his charity.
  16. I drop our kids off at school 99% of the time as it's right on my way to work- Mrs. Hoffa routinely tells me I shouldn't yell at them to get ready in the morning. (I don't really yell just use a stern vocal tone) Mrs. Hoffa was taking them to school this morning- -"WE NEED TO LEAVE IN 10 MINUTES!" -"HAVE YOU BRUSHED YOUR TEETH?" -"PUT YOUR DISHES IN THE DISHWASHER WE NEED TO GET GOING" -"WE ARE GOING TO BE LATE IF YOU DON'T HURRY UP!!" Me to Mrs. Hoffa- Why are you yelling? Mrs. Hoffa-
  17. Of course most sane people understand this. HOWEVER, what Steadman fails to address is reporting a fake hate crime does a disservice to all those who have actually been victims of a hate crime (or any crime for that matter) And this actually goes way further than most false reports for a number of reasons- 1 .He's famous so it's going to get much more media play then if it was some regular Joe 2. He allegedly paid friends to stage said "hate crime" 3. Made sure to include a political buzz word for maximum exposure and outrage 4. And finally the most important point- He actually is making it much worse for those that are real victims. As SOME people already question victims and now will use this as an example to back up their incorrect views based on their political leanings on whether to believe a victim.
  18. Zach is a moron but Jenna is an all time rental. She seems to have the personality of a wet noodle, isn't that smart and basically has no job. I felt bad for Hunter after Amanda took the money last season but he is indeed an idiot.
  19. How the fuck did I miss this? That fucking sucks. Last night's show wasn't perfect but a damn good series.
  20. Yeah this still pisses me off. Sirius and XM have been the same company for awhile now but depending on the manufacturer of the vehicle they still have separate line ups for Sirius and XM. for example- If you have a Ford you have Sirius so you don't pay extra for the Stern channels, if you have a Chevy you have XM and have to pay extra for the Stern channels. It really makes no sense. But I'm guessing it boils down to they don't want to give up the "premium" money they would lose if they changed it.
  21. That is what I don't understand. As when I called 6 months ago the guy told me the old call back in 6 to 12 months once the discounts he had just given me ran out. I don't know if I was dealing with a noob or what but she said AT&T had changed what could be offered as a discount. I am not under contract either so it's really odd that they were just going to lose a 10 year customer over $50-$75 a month in discounts. I did see that they have been losing 400K customers the last couple of quarters and only adding about 50K to 75K on their DirecTVNow platform. I'm not a math major but that doesn't seem like a very good business model.
  22. Well looks like I am finally ready to dump the shit after years of swearing they were the best. Just got off the phone with DirecTV to try and lower my $200 a month bill. Yes, I was talking to customer retention- "I'm sorry sir since you currently have a $25 discount being applied to your account I can't offer anything else" "Also AT&T no longer prorates a cancellation so even if you cancel today you won't be reimbursed for the unused portion of your service it will just be canceled the last day of your billing cycle" So I asked why do you nickel and dime people paying $200 a month when there is competitor products out there for $40-$50 a month? "That's a good question sir would you like to try DirecTV now?" Nope, you will be losing a loyal client at the end of this month when my billing cycle is over. "OK" Click. FUCK THEM!
  23. Speaking of, I would love for them to do another All Star season with as many past winners or top 3 chefs they could get. It's been 8 years since the last one.
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