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Everything posted by JimmyHoffa

  1. That wouldn't surprise me at all either.
  2. LOL, I missed that part but pretty standard Howard thinking everyone should be in some sort of therapy. I loved when Seinfeld threw that back in his face when he asked him about it.
  3. Probst comments- While I assumed he wasn't going to say exactly what happened I thought they would give a little bit more than basically nothing. It does explain why he's basically been invisible in the game since the tribal where they talked about his issues. I wonder if today they would have allowed Richard Hatch to walk around naked 24/7 like he did in Season 1? My guess is no. Not at all comparing that to what Dan did but just an observation. Reunion being pre-taped- They want to control what is said before it airs. Makes sense all things considered but it has been forever since they haven't had a Live reunion show.
  4. 270 calories per 1/5 of a pizza. Unrealistic serving sizes always crack my ass up.
  5. Nice try. "What happened to A,B,C,D.......................................................................................X,Y,Z?" "Well it looks like I need to go buy 47 replacements........."
  6. Enjoy- https://chicago.cbslocal.com/2012/06/01/hawk-harrelson-rant-soundboard/
  7. I really don't know what to think anymore. First I know the KB stories are just that "stories" they aren't trading him without getting a shit ton in return and that includes MLB ready and proven player(s) AND prospects. Anything less than that and they are fucking morons. Aside from signing Javy and probably Rizzo because of the hometown discount I think he is willing to, they HAVE to move guys in the next couple of years. It will just really be interesting to see how it all plays out. I might be crazy but I don't see there is anyway they get rid of KB this year unless they get a huge offer but the current rumors that are out there? Not a chance in hell. Oh and Fuck Boras.
  8. And delaying getting married, having kids, etc. Great for the rental market however!
  9. And this is what it looked like after you passed out and took it out of the oven 5 hours later-
  10. Just found out we got another one "for the other side of the house" "It was on sale at Costco" (Not my actual house)
  11. I can't find it (quick search) but there was a pretty funny tweet from the "G" saying something along the lines of picking the wrong time to go to the bathroom.
  12. That angle was seriously unreal, standing let alone on the run.
  13. "I promise, I won't buy anymore Christmas decorations......" Two days later- 5 new hand towels- "they were so cheap" A 7ft LED tree for outsdie- "It will look so perfect on the corner of the house" Full set of xmas plates and bowls- "I have been looking for ones like these forever" 3 wreaths- I couldn't decide on which one I wanted to put on the front door" AND 27 other things I either don't know about or don't remember.
  14. Jordan is a cocky douche but I don't see how he can be more disliked than about half those currently on this season. He can at least back up his shit talking and when he loses in a challenge he has owned it in the past. Also everyone can grow/change, Zach used to be the largest waste of talent and excuse making dumbass who has turned into one of the most enjoyable guys on the show now. That might be because I hate Cara, Ashley, and Paulie infinitely more than anyone else on the challenge but who knows.
  15. "But the physical and mental challenge it is to be around people they can't trust like family..........." I'm not saying I wouldn't be happy as hell to see my wife, kids, brother/sister, or parents but for fuck sakes get a grip. Tribal was funny but the rest, meh.
  16. I only heard about 10 minutes but it was fine. Aside from the normal annoyances of Howard interrupting a guest with some odd reason he thinks something in their life happened a certain way followed by the guest say "well no, it was actually......." It was a little funny hearing her say after Trumps inauguration speech GWB leaning over to her and saying "well that was some weird shit". Funny that GWB said that and funny to hear her say shit. Other than that it was pretty Meh, the part of the interview that I heard was pretty much softball questions about Trump and a little bit about her mother.
  17. All great points. His edit has been pretty much gone since that episode. The only reason he shows up at the reunion is to state the extremely long and prepared PC statement and apology.
  18. I do as well but have a feeling Wisconsin has been waiting for some payback for the last 12 months. Should be a great game.
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