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Everything posted by JimmyHoffa

  1. There has to be someone on the internet that knows her Instagram......... get after it Surly peeps!
  2. Yes and No. If a customer has a legit concern about something you try and take care of it. If someone is being an asshole you ask the to leave. People just over think it. I was a manager of a steakhouse right out of college people sent steak back all the time because they didn't know how to order a steak and they would say it was underdone. I'm not kicking anyone out of the restaurant for something stupid like that (even though they are idiots) fix the problem and move on. If they were abusing the staff or other customers well they were told to GTFO. But the one thing that people don't remember especially with restaurants is people that have a bad experience (even if they were assholes or wrong) are going to tell about 10 people they got shitty service, food, etc. On the flip side if someone has the best meal of their life they might tell one or two people. It's a numbers game and if you tell to many people to fuck off you aren't in business very long.
  3. This but you also answered your own question. A shit ton more outlets means talent and writing are stretched to the limits. Back when it was just the big 3 networks they only had room for really great stuff now everybody is trying to come up with something good and a lot of the networks are left with shit because cable and the streaming services give you so much more flexibility.
  4. This. Don't get me wrong I think going back 50+ years is a little over the top but how about just don't be stupid. I am in my mid 40's as well and never saw or was around something so stupid in college or HS. It just didn't happen. On a side note does anybody need a $900 Gucci blackface sweater? This one however I find a little weak that people are freaking out about an all white shoe being part of Adidas "Celebrating Black Culture". https://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/07/business/gucci-blackface-adidas-apologize.html
  5. The best was when he thought about showing everyone he could still moonwalk before his wife told him not to.
  6. At this point I would like to see Liverpool string together a few wins of their own.
  7. Couldn't agree more on Gary he over acts and the character in general is annoying as hell. And john's wife is a cup grade away from being perfect.
  8. Part of the problem or part of the solution.
  9. Virginia right now- Gov- Blackface AG- Blackface Lt Gov-
  10. I agree as well. I think it's one of the best network dramas with is saying something with all it's faults and average acting. Just got picked up for a 2nd season so will be interesting to see what direction they take things. The assistant would get it as well.
  11. Agreed. He's still really young and depending on what he wants he could turn ISU into Kansas State or dare I say it (Iowa) if he sticks around. He's a great coach and it will all depend on what he wants to do. But the longer he stays at Iowa State the better for them and the Big 12 as a whole.
  12. Where's the double breasted jacket that goes with that look?
  13. And shit is about to hit the fan this week....
  14. This but finding myself listening to more podcasts then I ever had before.
  15. Reportedly leaked to Awful Announcing that ESPN wasn't bringing Baseball Tonight back. He was on a conference call about it then talked to one of the ESPN VP's and asked specific questions about ESPN's baseball coverage moving forward that ended up in the Awful Announcing article.
  16. And I am sick of the "if you would have said before the season we would be in 1st by X pts you would take it" BS. They need to get that Championship swagger back, where every team is scared shitless they are going to lose 4-0 when they step on the pitch.
  17. this. if they continue to play like they have the last two games it isn't going to matter.
  18. She's 40 now. At some point it's time to grow up and move on unless your Bananas or CT.
  19. If you like a lot of HBO shows? No. If you don't like a lot of HBO shows? It's not really worth it.
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