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Everything posted by JimmyHoffa

  1. He worked for NBC for 10 years and wrote a book among other things. Probably not worth $25 Million but certainly made enough to not be going through what he's going through right now. And as Pilots' mentioned NBC would have handled the lawsuits or a large chuck of it.
  2. Well like most things it's not a one size fits all type of answer. But since that is what we do here in the great US of A the simple answer to your questions is a resounding yes. Nobody wants to hear that and SubliminalHorn isn't making any friends with his answers but he's 100% correct. Again not every case but a large number of them. People just don't want to hear it or put in the work to fix the issue they want the magic little pill that masks whatever pain they have, instead of fixing the actual issue so you know you no longer have said issue in the first place. Medications are WONDERFUL but they aren't any where close to the solution to every problem. I don't work in PT but I would guess 75% or more of those given walking papers to finish their PT at home either don't do it correctly, stop before they were told to or a pretty large number don't do a damn thing.
  3. THIS IS WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT! Inspire, be different. Don't engage in an arguing with a lunatic, no matter how right you are it just gives him and his idiot base exactly what they want. THAT is what the country so desperately needs from it's leaders, not more of Trump's a douche and I'm not. Everybody already knows that. And that was what I was trying to point out in my previous couple of posts.
  4. Sorry you read it that way that wasn't the point I was trying to make. It isn't a contest to who can be a bigger asshole or lying sack of shit. Trump wins that hands down and I wasn't saying he doesn't. I sure as hell never said that swearing is the same as criminal activity but carry on.
  5. Pretty simple. Making lots of money, spending too much and not saving enough. Similar to a Pro athlete you are making a ton of money living a great life and then the faucet of cash gets shut off one day and you eat through your limited savings pretty quickly (because of course I am going to find another job making me $1M a year or more) Throw in the fact he probably always thought he was one phone call away from gaining that $1M a year check again so he didn't change his cost of living. It doesn't make a lot of sense for the guy making $60K a year living in a $250K house because there are plenty of jobs out there to replace that income if it dries up. Not the same for well known on air TV talent who has limited opportunities and probably let ego get in the way of taking a so so TV job that would have helped pay the bills. By the time he realized his error it was probably way too late. Sad stuff.
  6. That's not the point. If the left engages Trump in his race to the bottom they are part of the problem and only fuel his fire of hate and the people that support that thinking. It's like when you have a screaming 5 year old who is having a temper tantrum because you won't let him eat a bowl of ice cream for every meal. Yelling at the 5 year old doesn't fix the problem. At some point there needs to be an adult in the room to fix the mess. Acting like the 5 year old isn't going to cut it. And of course the left isn't going to go as low as Trump but allowing oneself to be pulled into his vortex is just as bad and will turn off a shit ton of people. The old "I'm not an asshole like Trump" campaign isn't a winning won. And for the record Trump didn't win because he was an asshole he won because a large segment of the population wanted different. If you asked a large majority of those in the middle that voted for him I think most would feel at least some regret. Sure the fringe lunatics wouldn't be changing their vote but unlike what cable news likes to tell you those aren't the people that win elections. It's the mostly silent majority in the middle that swing elections in one direction or the other and has for years. Nobody talks about them however because it doesn't make for good TV and to a much larger extent RATINGS. That's the fucking problem.
  7. And THAT is exactly what he and assholes like him want you to think. That's the problem.
  8. Ha, fair enough (and I agree) but it is different. Slapstick vs. comedy with an actual plot/story.
  9. Disagree- If everyone is trying to go lower it's bad for the entire country and we will all be left with a different shit sandwich. As mentioned a million times before Obama won on a pretty positive campaign message and brought in a TON of 1st time voters in doing so. (politics aside, that can and does work). What doesn't work is when you have a shit sandwich running against a candidate that is also disliked and made major mistakes the biggest was assuming people wouldn't vote for shit sandwich. I know in the social media world of gotcha politics and 24/7 cable news networks of pointing fingers at the "other side" it doesn't seem like it would work but it will it just takes the right candidate to drive that change.
  10. i wouldn't say funnier it's different. Comparing comedies from different periods is a lot harder to do (in my opinion).
  11. Speaking of he was on the past season/current season of Iron Chef America and beat Chef Guarnaschelli with Lamb. Dude can cook.
  12. I know it will still be good TV but the past couple of season they had just cracked the door open for a few non MTV reality tv show people which was fine. Now they pretty much said lets take the biggest selection of random "who the fuck are those people and what show were they on?" people to cast the next season. Should be interesting to see how it all plays out.
  13. Probably the most disappointing food of the season in both challenges. They have a world class butcher in front of them and they all absolutely fucked themselves by overthinking it. I would have sent Brian home alone for taking that beautiful bone in Rib loin and cutting the ribs off and feeding them two fucking bites. IDIOTS. And what the fuck was Sara thinking not grilling her sausage to begin with?
  14. Ha, what you were thinking in your head gets said thousands of times at hospitals./facilities all over everyday!
  15. Sorry couldn't leave that one out. It's campy as shit and funny as hell. Even without Arsenio Eddie is in his prime. I am not saying it's anywhere close to his best work but it's really good. And much better than marginally funny.
  16. There are assholes and shitty people in every profession. But let's not lump everyone together. There are a shit ton of amazing doctors, nurses, and health care professionals that actually care about their patients well being, look out for them and want whats best for them. There are also doctors that are lazy and think their scrip pad is some magical easy peasy formula to fix everyone's problems. It's disgusting. And the worst part I have talked to doctors that have told me to my face "if they don't prescribe a medicine, the patient will find a doctor that will." I fucking lost my shit and said you sure learned NOTHING in all that schooling you paid for. Sometimes tough love (or a softer form of it) is needed to tell all the idiots that there isn't a magic pill to fix all of their problems and that there are plenty of other solutions that can help that start with a little personal responsibility and not assuming you can take the so called easy way out to fix every problem. But we live in the US so it's instant gratification/short cut culture to get better in the easiest and quickest way possible that fucks everyone over.
  17. Yeah a guy in our office switched about 6 months ago and said it was the best decision he ever made. He said Youtube TV has everything he needs. I will probably go that route at some point but right now isn't the time.
  18. Well deserved. From LFC twitter yesterday. His passing and work rate are unreal. https://twitter.com/LFC/status/1085628002283802626
  19. I also loved Lenny's "Hows the slot" drop he played all the time over Robin doing the news.
  20. LOUDER FOR EVERYONE IN THE BACK. I am by no means giving Purdue Pharma a pass but I sure as hell put equal if not the majority of the fault squarely on the shitty and lazy fucking doctors that over prescribe and don't do their fucking jobs in making sure their patients are taken care of properly. Over medicating not only with pain killers but just about every other medicine is a result of doctors not doing their job properly in many cases and just prescribing pills to make their patients happy. Along with countless people that I have come across on WAY too many medications that probably don't need half of them I have dealt directly with someone that was addicted to pain pills who had two horseshit doctors that would prescribe her whatever she wanted. Guess what when those doctors were no longer seeing her and actual doctors that weren't there just to write a scrip she has cut her meds in half, 100% off pain pills and has never felt better. Obviously that is just one specific case but there are thousands of those all over the country with the same issue. Throw in the side effects and one could argue a lot of the drugs people are on do more harm than good. This of course isn't all doctors but people fail to understand you are going to have shitty people in every profession that don't do their job, I just think there are far too many fingers pointed at the big bad drug manufactures and not nearly enough at the doctors that could have prevented all of this from happening in the first place. And no I don't work for a drug company but am in health care world and see a lot of shit that blows my mind when it comes to patient care and lack there of.
  21. Nobody, and I mean nobody is as quick and brilliant with the timing/placement and fit of the drops he pulls out of no where. I know they have said before that he has some the regular ones on a board he just clicks but some of them are so obscure and perfect it blows my mind. The value he brings to that show I don't think many people realize. I think he is #1 after Howard in what makes the show work.
  22. Yeah in one they are main characters and the other they are a 5 second throw away cameo. Totally makes sense...............
  23. My kids love when I do this joke for them-
  24. I don't want to make light of it but she has some real trust, emotional, and self confidence issues that are a detriment to her allowing people to get close to her. It was pretty obvious on the MTV show champs vs. stars that she thinks everyone hates her and it snowballs from there.
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