The West Virginia episode is what made him so great. He clearly didn't agree politically with most of the people he spent time with but he LISTENED and respected their views even if he disagreed with them. He was able to push aside the shit and see people for who they are and that for the most part is good. Sure there are assholes in the world but there are a shit ton more honest, heartfelt, and caring people that we just never hear about because everyone wants to label "the other side" as a bunch of assholes.
Conversations over meals is important and UNDERSTANDING (not agreeing) but understanding why someone feels the way they do is a lost art in today's social media world.
People are people and we are way more alike then different, we have just been conditioned to hate, it's sad really and the bubble of like minded people everyone surrounds themselves with is not good in the short term or long term.
Fuck I hate that he is gone.