They are all fucked if what is known gets out. Clare obviously is dead regardless, the father shames his family for not realizing that his wife was from the other world and the king sleeper, his dad is fucked because for the same reason.
The first episode of the new season deals with the new relationship rather well at least what could be coming.
I thought the first episode was great again, a perfect recap and set up of what is to come. The new chick in the office is going to be an interesting dynamic as she tries and hunts down the mole, little does she know the source of said mole is working right beside her.
Bad Howard (sorry not doing the prime vs whatever world shit) bringing good Howard's wife back from the hospital and trying to pretend to be the good husband is pretty funny to watch when he knows everything (including that he is the other Howard) but can't tell her because her mind isn't right.
Clare gives 0 fucks.
I hope the writers don't fuck it up as they could really take the story in the wrong direction.
I did have one question- Was I suppose to know who the "boss" was that was putting away the computer stuff at the end of the episode?