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Everything posted by JimmyHoffa

  1. 100% agree. What started out as a great premise with so much promise took far too many wrong turns and morphed into lets see how many idiotic and totally unrealistic story lines we can cram into a 30 minute show.
  2. I can't find it but on Saturday someone retweeted an exchange between an Nebraska fan and a Minnesota fan after Minnesota kicked the shit out of them. Nebraska fan- yeah but how many national championships do you have? Minnesota fan- 7 Nebraska fan- those were forever ago those don't even count.... Minnesota fan and the rest of us-
  3. Can we start recruiting DB's that want to tackle? I don't care if they are a 5 star that run a 4.2 if they don't want to and can't tackle I don't want them on my team. Give me a 3 star that runs a 4.7 that isn't scared shitless to tackle someone. Please and Thank you.
  4. Roman through his new soccer team buying buddy was trying to find enough money to take Waystar private, enter Turkish bank to loan money to take it private. Turkey + bank (or anything really) = corruption. ie- bad guys.
  5. Yeah, after watching the first 20 I might go watch Felina again just as a quick refresher before finishing the movie.
  6. I hope it isn't Tom as I think he is one of the best characters on the show from a pure entertainment standpoint.
  7. I'm only about 20 minutes in. Will watch the rest this weekend but for those that watched the whole thing I know I will miss an Easter egg here or there but assume it was satisfying on it's own without re-watching all or most of the last season of BB again? Thanks, I'll hang up and listen.
  8. Ha, no I was just comparing Jenni, Snookie and Angelina. And agree that Snookie seems more stable than Jenni.
  9. 100%. And I don't like Angelina more Jenni is just starting to morph into Angelina, which is scary as Jenni seemed to be the most grounded female cast member.
  10. I was not joking. They are both attractive and in good shape. I think Molly is better looking and she seems to be a hell of a lot more down to earth/girl next door and lower maintenance. Melissa- Rental Molly- Buy
  11. I just fast forward through the Rob and Sandra stuff. It's boring as shit and worthless for the show. Add Vince to the ever growing list of idiots going home with an idol in their pocket.
  12. It's actually not a bad movie, one that couldn't be made today.
  13. Molly > Melissa. No brainer. And since when is getting stitches considered "surgery"? And love this line- Yep, I want to go to med school to become a "surgeon" that specializes in stitches......
  14. Yep along with all of Tom's email calling Lester - "Mo" and the human foot stool questions
  15. Looking forward to Ricky Jerret becoming the NFL commissioner out of nowhere or whatever absurd ending they are going with.
  16. Could be Tom, Could be Kendall for going to hard and the board not liking it, etc. Hell it could be anyone, Logan doesn't give a shit as long as he still is calling the shots.
  17. Hello friends, my name is Jimmy and it has been 6 days since I told DirecTV to fuck off. It's nice to have a community to come and talk about my addiction to an over priced piece of shit service that I finally was able to kick the habit and get my life back on track. I am taking it one day at a time........ YoutubeTV for the win. (Saving almost $150 a month) My wife hated using the AppleTV 4K touch remote. I changed the setting to slow on the touch sensitivity and it made all the difference in the world. Here for the tips and pointers.
  18. He's so damn funny. He has a bad case of small man's disease. He's like 5'6 and always acts like he is going to try and fight someone.
  19. So I was going off an earlier photo I saw of her from several years ago. I went to find it again and went down a rabbit hole of google images. This is from 2007 so I admit I am wrong-
  20. Yep, and I regret them not doing it too...........
  21. Agree. The pace in the early couple of season would never work in today's chase a squirrel instant gratification needy viewers. But they could most certainly find a happy medium.
  22. This. It's all about fucking his brother which benefits Logan. He doesn't give two shits about Greg as a person.
  23. I had several people say you won't understand until you get it. Well this is my post saying the same thing to those that still have DirecTV after having youtubeTV for a week- Cons- lost a few channels that we watched on occasion, learning new system Pros- Price, ease of use, DVR set up, VOD set up, getting to tell the DirecTV CS agent no over and over again and probably a million other things I am not thinking of. And finally............... PICTURE- THE FUCKING PICTURE (especially sporting events) is literally 1000x clearer with youtubetv then it was with DirecTV like it's a joke how much crisper the picture is. And no my DirecTV settings weren't off.
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