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Everything posted by JimmyHoffa

  1. It's usually tough to judge a cast this early as they are trying to give air time to everyone that has an interesting take and also start to build the season long story for those that are going to make it to the end without making it obvious. In the early years it was pretty easy to do all that because they had nothing but time on their hands. Now with all the extra shit they stuff into an episode: idol hunt, challenges, tribal, and then throw in Rob and Sandra that are going to need their time every episode there isn't much left. So you get annoying Nora teaching yoga and that's about it. But yes as a whole there isn't anyone I am really saying, oh they seem cool I hope they win, at least right now.
  2. Yeah, they are for sure going to be a bigger part of the game down the line. Whether they join each tribe at some point or have a say in who wins the game it's for sure coming. I doubt it is just these silly "mentor" clips each show. And boy were those questions to get an idol easy.
  3. 100% Yeah the early visitors are basically fucked either way. I would have told a half truth as opposed to flat out lying. "Boston Rob and Sandra give you advice on the game, their experiences, etc" Leave it at that.
  4. 100% and even more refreshing in this soundbite, social media, chasing a squirrel world we now live in.
  5. Not complaining but pretty sure she's had a cup grade.
  6. ???? I listen a couple of times a week depending on the guest. The reason why I believe he is so popular is he is the "every man" guy. Sure he has his beliefs on things, some that I don't agree with and some that I agree with but he doesn't brow beat his guest if they say something he disagrees with. He has an open an honest discussion and isn't afraid to be proven wrong and gives plenty of rope for some of his guests to hang themselves before he in the nicest way possible tell them that what they just said isn't accurate. He isn't putting on an act he is just having a conversation with someone for a couple of hours. For pure entertainment purposes he is at his best with other comedians.
  7. Yeah, I assumed so just happened that I hadn't been in the thread in awhile and his post was the first one I saw when I opened the thread. Thought I would pile on! ha
  8. Well they finally did it, Got my bill with all the "freebies and discounts dropped" $215. Fuck them. Signed up for Youtube TV for $50 a month last night. For the TV's that can't link to internet whats the best route to go? Roku, Fire Stick, Apple TV?
  9. Nice, I'm glad the writers can end it the way they want to.
  10. "You look cold, let me go get your coat"..........."Send her home immediately"
  11. "Hey Johnny if you come to State U we will set you up with a "commercial" at Hairlip Ford for $10K" The mud in recruiting will just become deeper than it already was. Sure in theory kids choose a school for an education and playing said sport now throw the kid $X in his face money that in many cases will be a significant amount to his family and it gets hairy real quick. Oh and Johnny, Mr. 5 Star tears his ACL, or doesn't make the 2 deep? sorry Johnny we don't need you for that commercial anymore. I know your family was counting on that money but tough shit. Again I am not saying that they shouldn't be paid but it could become the Wild West pretty damn quick if they aren't careful.
  12. Let's not take what he said so literal. All of those obviously are way worse than kids being paid. That said, paying athletes money CHANGES the entire "amateur athlete" definition that has been in place at the NCAA. I have no problem with students getting paid but unless there is a blanket policy that covers EVERY athlete it is a massive slippery slope that will tip the scales even more than they already are in the competitive balance especially in Football and basketball. Also will be interesting to see what occurs with non revenue sports and Title IX moving forward. Let's face it the NCAA has nowhere near enough oversight or people to make sure schools and athletic departments are doing things the right way, this just turns it up to 11. Again I am not saying they don't deserve to be paid but it isn't as easy as just cutting a check.
  13. Sure, but it isn't like she's the only one with access to the 24/7 feeds. What Jack and Michie said there are videos of them saying those things. It isn't like we are taking only her word for it. It's a little different when there are plenty of other people saying the same thing it isn't like it's just her.
  14. It was a mild sprain (if even that) at best yet they acted like he was going to need to have it cut off to live. The motorized scooter just made it that much worse. It was 100% played up for the show.
  15. That Cara and him never really got along but they worked through it, Paulie wanting to be Johnny (100% hilarious and accurate) and that Cara now follows around Paulie and uses the victim card nonstop. 100% this. A lot of Cara's problem is she has a MASSIVE self confidence issue. The hair color, the working out, the falling in love with every guy she hooks up with, etc. As I said in a previous post I have never been a fan of Bananas because in most cases he is a hypocrite but the above stat shows exactly why he is a great player. He is AWFUL in eliminations but knows how to work the system in his favor even when it seems like he doesn't have the numbers. Hell, Wes basically does the same thing every season and he always fails too.
  16. Yes and no. I agree some of it is a big stretch but not all. Jack in the kitchen and Michie in the shower are both pretty awful videos.
  17. I've never been a huge fan of Bananas but he was 100% correct about Paulie and Cara Maria. The only thing the American's have going for them is the UK team is AWFUL as a whole.
  18. Here is where I got most of it- https://www.realityblurred.com/realitytv/2019/09/big-brother-21-finale-winner-jackson-michie/ Hamsterwatch—who has watched and documented the live feeds all season, and who previously called Jackson “a misogynist pig”—wrote this in her final assessment: And here is the twitter thread he links in the article-
  19. OMFG- this is so awesome-
  20. I did the same and found a shit ton of stuff that I had never heard of (including video clips) from early in the season when David and Ovi came back. Both Michie and Jack said some truly awful stuff. (and then a bunch of stuff that was meh on it's own but add it all together and it doesn't look great) Michie was in the shower bitching about Jessica calling her fat and hopes she runs out into traffic, go back to Mexico, etc. A TON of questionable things said about David Jack- possibly using the N word, among plenty of other slang terms for minorities, etc. Cliff wasn't exempt from it either (Aggy, shocker) making at best really bad racist jokes/comments The rest of it was just all sorts of bullying and other childish comments that I wouldn't say scream racist but again add all of them up together and it doesn't look good. However BY FAR the biggest thing I saw from a game stand point the feeders talked about was the fact that Michie had a shrink he saw in the DR room on a weekly basis provided to him by Big Brother. The feeders said it was pretty clear after he came out of those sessions that the therapist was telling him he needed to act a different way and he would for a bit until he fell back into his old ways. Totally agree. After seeing all of the shit I mentioned above the guy is a total douchebag. And probably the best if not the 2nd best player ever had the perfect tweet after last night-
  21. Yep. She was one of Ramsey's girls on GOT I believe too.
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