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About buffalobill989

  • Birthday 09/28/1972

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  1. no meth and no trailer. just alot of vodka. sooner steroe type? whats that a winner?
  2. oh wait. i forgot your mom liked the way ive been beeting her pussy for a few years now. she said she didnt care if it was a few minutes. i still won
  3. maybe we should talk about heismans? i would rather go back to the coop statues
  4. got butfucked? i would say it was pretty close. and it took vince how long to get his? he still didnt beat no knee jason white.
  5. \ who won? we've all seen the ref stuff. but i wont go there. all that matters is the w. where was okla? and where was texas?
  6. all those db's got you close like usual. lets see where it gets you. sooners have beat you with alot less. uhoh
  7. better to be stupid and winning than texas and going 50%.
  8. dang went from 36 neg to 43 neg. i love you guys bring it
  9. lets talk about the backpack. while you were struggling about a bottom feeder is the sec we were in the playoffs. wait i forgot how many times since they have been started. and with a coaching change. i say bring back clapping butter teeth.
  10. i said steroids. woops sorry. you would have had to win something for steroids to be an issue
  11. its all about the letter of the law. ill bet the ark guy spit on him or said something.
  12. keep adding def backs. dont worry about that oline and qbs. youll be ok.
  13. you guys are all debating about a misdemeaner or agg assult. haha. he beat the shit out of that kid. if he didn't it wouldnt be an issue
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