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Certifiably Surly
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About SilasCoade

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  1. I am intentionally conflating them because they are the same fucking thing. Of course it matters. Why is it illegal?
  2. I feel the same about this as I do about sign stealing in baseball or any sport. It makes no sense for this to be illegal. One team can communicate with secret signals but the other team can't try to figure out the system? So stupid. You can watch hours and hours of video of players from dozens of angles but you can't watch the coaches? So stupid.
  3. That's really nice. Don't go all Marinovich on him but keep him running. XC scholarships are out there and you don't have to be an olympian to get them.
  4. I stand by it. Are you telling me that game on the line, crunch time, you are sitting there nonplussed b/c you know James is about to win the game for his team? Has it happened? Sure. Is it SOP for his teams? Absolutely not, and moreover, never has been.
  5. Lebron's greatness is real, but his "dominance" is not. I've never seen Lebron single-handedly take over and win a game the way MJ did on the regular. I don't think KD takes that Cavs team to the finals, but he might have won more in Miami than Lebron did.
  6. 100% a foul. 100% dumb not to have called timeout to advance. 100% dumb for KD to have the ball away from his body in that situation. 100% meaningless early season game that no one gives two shits about other than as a chance to see Wemby develop.
  7. You must be great at Twister.
  8. I would love to see the case for who was worse. Trump alienated allies, reduced global influence, mishandled a public health crisis, actively strove to divide the citizenry, and, yeah, attempted a coup in the laziest most slap dash way possible.
  9. You mean there's no possible way they could still trade for Kyrie?
  10. What's the over/under line for nut shots by the warriors with that dynamic duo of CP3 and DG23?
  11. There are a lot of videos on YouTube compiling Larry Bird trash talking stories. One was him bullying some rookie guarding him. Larry pulled up from half court in the middle of the game. He told the rookie "bet you can't do this" and air balled by a lot. The rookie was like "I can definitely do that." Bird says "no, I'm staying in the game." Even Bird would get pulled for that shit Jordan Poole did
  12. False. Donald Trump has never won a popular vote. In a two candidate race a plurality cannot exist except when also being an outright majority (considering only active voters not eligible voters who may not have participated).
  13. Uwe blab (going from memory on the spelling)
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