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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by SilasCoade

  1. Man that Jokic guy sure does fade in the playoffs. Makes James Harden blush.
  2. Vic is a better judge of women than he is basketball
  3. That Nets game was hard to watch. I've never seen Durant look so tentative. He always seems to be in control and supremely confident on offense, but tonight he was just ... not. And this game Boston was not roughing him up nearly as much. They played it straight.
  4. I mean, I guess, but there are a lot more Heisman winners than there are guys with statues.
  5. Baker was a nice player in college but man, the bar for statues outside the stadium is not what it used to be.
  6. that last Miami possession was an abortion.
  7. anybody else just see Mourning recreate the meme face?
  8. He's hardly unplayable. C'mon. You're recognizing he's not an extreme player and then projecting some extreme conclusion about him.
  9. plus/minus is not a great stat for evaluating player value, especially for a single game. He's a very slightly positive VORP guy, which is exactly what I'm saying he is.
  10. No argument that he is not a guy you can play all game but he can give you good energy and a quick burst off the bench. He's a net positive is all I'm saying.
  11. That little Spanish dude is a good bench guy too
  12. He gives them 37 and 18 in 14/22 shooting and that's getting punked. Oksure.gif
  13. Because his defense is atrocious and his offense unreliable?
  14. They don't play Bones enough. That guy just seems to have fun and is fun to watch.
  15. Did Kidd have Maxi sandbag the last third of the season on purpose?
  16. Draymond invented that shit, not Beverly. Totally, but he at least offers other skills on top of that. Ref him by the book and he could still rebound and facilitate. Take away the antics and Bev is playing in Greece.
  17. I don't disagree on Jokic, but the level of physicality that is not being called is really significant. You see the entire league adopting the Pat Bev strategy of just trying to annoy and frustrate rather than match skills. The Dubs should be above that kind of shit but they're in the mud with the rest.
  18. I think it's also apparent that the refs are calling the playoffs strikingly differently than they did the regular season. That's had a huge impact.
  19. Nets fucked up waiving James Johnson. Bully ball might not look like such a good strategy if it could cost your guy a broken nose.
  20. I think it's funny that you think your own take was so terrible that someone pointing out you said it is considered a personal attack. That said, teams should definitely not conduct every draft as if they are afraid of missing on the next Jordan. If they do they will miss on several Pippens. Bonus that they will likely continue to be in position to draft the next Jordan next year though.
  21. It's nice to see actual defense being played. Coaches should just play clips of Caruso and Holiday playing d to show kids how it's done.
  22. KD was getting shoved away from the ball on every single possession. Refs weren't terrible but that strategy is some Bad Boys type shit that I fucking hate. It's not good basketball and rewarding teams for it is bad for the game.
  23. and it would have been true a year ago.
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