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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by elnimo

  1. Asian girlfriend gonna asian girlfriend.
  2. That is one of the most lawyered statements I have read in a while. The cover up of the cover up looks to be in full force. It's pretty clear the AD is going to take one for the "team".
  3. I'm willing to give Herman the benefit of the doubt because it appears that the coach's wives did not know until 2015 based on the reporting so far (not his statement). But Tim Beck is culpable.
  4. 8-9 wins including bowl. I think we are one more year away from title contention. We just need our O Line and QB's to beef up for another season. I do think we can win one or two more games (Tech/OSU) more than we did last year. Maryland for sure.
  5. When Meyer gets canned I hope he takes Tim Beck with him.
  6. Am I in the minority that think he'll be on admin leave until the story dies in the press, then he will right back at it with a slap on the wrist? I think he should be fired for cause. The language in his contract is clear. But the pessimist in me says the amount of money at stake here for the University makes me think they are just hunkering down to weather the storm.
  7. Shit that's india Turkey. They aren't condemning anything.
  8. Pooja on ABC 13 is definitely rude, but she hides it well
  9. I'm not surprised June stayed back. Annoyed as fuck, yes. But not surprised. She's got plot teflon. June is gonna get everyone else killed except herself. Martha is gonna die next season. Reddit seems to think the commander that helped Emily will be helping June out next season. I hope this causes some sort of collapse of Gilead. You could get a good two season of material just off of that, with season 5/6 being the final season where the US is re-instituted.
  10. I think Luke being a pussy is right in line with his character. He was such a whiny little bitch until ROTJ. After he lost his arm and realized Darth Vader was his father, he sacked up and became a badass. So it seems reasonable to me that after he doesn't kill Kylo and causes his turn to the dark side he would hide away like a castrated cow and drink alien titty milk. I saw Ep. 9 as him redeeming himself again just like in ROTJ. My only real complaint was the super leia scene. I understand she had to be in a coma in order to facilitate the whole Poe/Finn plot line. But she could have just gotten injured in the blast and not sucked out into space. My guess is that had Carrie Fisher lived, Leia's force powers may have been more prominent in Ep. 9. RIP Admiral Ackbar.
  11. You forgot lens flare. Lots and lots of lens flare.
  12. I loved Season 1. Season 2 looks legit.
  13. Does Montreal have enough cocaine for JFF?
  14. Hire two coeds to bathe me every day Coming to America style at my mansion near some sort of white sand beach. Travel the world with a sugar baby and/or hooker. Post more on Surly.
  15. I'm getting a database error. Is it dead now?
  16. If the statement in the BC article is what caused the DeShon tweet, then DeShon needs to go get his pacifier out of the diaper bag. I think that was perfectly appropriate to help motivate a team that was probably a little pissed or concerned that two more senior Defensive players were sitting out the game. And it would not have been public knowledge had he not made it public. I'm surprised that he waited until now to say something given how much time has passed. If Herman made an effort to actively sandbag DeShon and the other players that left early with the NFL scouts, then that's pretty low and petty. I don't think Herman is that big of a dick. But maybe he is.
  17. This ruling has been a long time coming. State budgets are tight, and they are going after every dollar they can. There have been efforts to harmonize the sales tax regimes so that the states have a more streamlined reporting structure in an effort to get buy in from online retailers to collect sales tax. I'm guessing there will be more gas poured on that fire after this decision.
  18. Agreed. Spain and Portugal are going to mudhole both. But Iran might have a chance if they can some how pull a draw against the loser of Spain/Portugal.
  19. elnimo


    My parents are refugees of the revolution too. I agree with everything you said. The islamists hijacked the revolution. The risk is that the MEK or some other fringe group who is worse than the islamists hijacks the next one. A policy of regime change only works if you have someone internally who can lead an opposition. Otherwise, you are swapping one a-hole for another. All those people are dead or in jail in Iran. The failson of the shah is not going to survive long enough to consolidate power. The MEK is universally hated in Iran. The best thing the US could have done to effect regime change was to continue the deal. The people realized the islamist regime stole all of the money the US released. Before yesterday, the people blamed the regime for the problems, which helped to bolster the reformists who want the corruption out of the government. Slow secularization and democratization would result in a lasting friendly government. Overthrowing one bad regime to install another one won't. The hardliners are celebrating the end of the deal because it shows that they were right. On withdrawing from the deal: This isn't some grand plan to get a better nuke deal in place. These are the first steps in setting up a pretext for the war that the neocons have been salivating over for decades. Right now, the EU is the only thing standing between this situation blowing up (forgive the pun) into a full scale shooting war. If the EU is forced to back out because of secondary sanctions, then Iran will start up its program again. Then Israel will conduct airstrikes in Iran with its new overfly rights granted by the Saudis (who might join in the fun) because Iran can't have a nuke (I actually agree with that position). The Iranians will strike back, and the US will be forced to act. I'm sure Bolton's power point presentation is a bit more detailed. Any escalation in conflict, and especially the involvement in the US, will disenfranchise the entire population. The hardliners in government will solidify their position. The only way the US will get rid of them at that point is a full on ground invasion. Iran has mandatory conscription. So everyone in the country has some military training. This will be bloodier that Iraq.
  20. elnimo


    Get ready to be disappointed. His echo chamber is full of war hawks. Bolton's Iraq playbook is being followed to the T. We will be in a war shortly. Israel will start it and we will be forced to finish it.
  21. Same boat. I have a six year old Panasonic Plasma that still rocks a decent 1080p picture (although there is some banding due to the age). I read that the new HDMI spec is coming out at the end of the year. So I'm going to wait until the 2019 panels come out in a year to upgrade.
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