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  1. This ^^^^^^^^^
  2. Sometimes this is one of best threads on the site. Other times it's brutal.
  3. Bunch of college kids in there
  4. My son was a victim of nearly that exact block last week. RB had swept around weak side and had about 10 yards on tin jr, ML. He had crossed over and focused on the RB, who was in no danger of being caught, when one of the WR's put the hurt on him. Tinny got up about 10 feet from where he last touched Earth. Hell of a block, too bad it was on my boy or I would have found it more entertaining. When the dust settled and the flags were picked up, it negated a 70 yd TD run, 15 yard penalty, repeat 2nd down - blindside block.
  5. Yep, that was solid
  6. Do you know if your vet ordered a C&S on that?
  7. Who the fuck weighs 150 lbs anymore??
  8. Damn, 16 - 20 year old players. Tragic.
  9. tinhead

    Gun Control

    Oh.....and page 11 motherfuckers
  10. tinhead

    Gun Control

    If she can keep hers it'd be greatly appreciated
  11. For you and your dog https://www.amazon.com/Extra-Strength-Lipped-Mussel-Capsules/dp/B06ZYHZNHR/ref=sr_1_1_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1522796353&sr=8-1&keywords=glx3&dpID=51iZQJYw6ZL&preST=_SY300_QL70_&dpSrc=srch
  12. Bandit, without a doubt the best dog I've ever owned. He lived to 21.
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