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Everything posted by strangulation!

  1. there was a glimpse when grandpa went back to his room and the hoors were inside
  2. i don't think tanya dies, either. somehow i think portia will save her and tanya will realize another person actually cares for her, and that's that. i also think harper knows ethan didn't cheat by the way he was talking to the two prostitutes in the lobby. she's insanely insecure about their relationship and is now just using cameron to make ethan jealous to rekindle things a bit.
  3. Uncle Rico had 4 previous wives? Or was it 3? Regardless he plans to off her and share the money with his Palermo bros
  4. they won't catch me. i'm fucking innocent.
  5. to me that was kind of a reference to his cowboy infatuation, like he's still searching for the marlboro man or something.
  6. do you even trotsky bro? ok so not a hammer, but close enough
  7. yeah i thought it was a player, not a grown man going by that name
  8. surely that's not a tacit admission of ole miss wrongdoing, right?
  9. Jimbo has another 82 years to make it happen. Edited 25 minutes ago by Harrison Stafford this is why we can't have nice things. wtf was the edit?
  10. you get a lovely view of the south side of downtown. on a clear day, you might even glimpse grand prairie. the food is great but the view is way overrated and not worth $10.
  11. maybe there are two mike muchlinskis. you ever consider that?
  12. strangulation!

    Craig Finn

    lead singer of the hold steady, who kick ass: wrote the lyric "raise a toast to st. joe strummer, i think he might have been our only decent teacher." that also kicks ass
  13. i didn't know what a yawn was called, nor could i figure out until i was like 7 how to ask the name of that act.
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