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Everything posted by Stu

  1. I found it pretty telling that not one player came up to the booth to say farewell.. or even wave to him on the 18th green.. not even Rickie, who might be nicest human being on Earth .
  2. That was all Mahomes there. But the missed throws and holding on to the ball too long were on Reid? I see how this game works.
  3. He looks like Michael Corleone after he gets back from the bathroom right before he plugs Sollozzo and McClusky.
  4. Fake news Larry
  5. Looked like he was giving himself up so the defender pulled up.. given the new rules in the game in regards to hitting the QB, that's going to happen a lot more. He would've been lit up in years past.
  6. I like how Tony Gonzalez is playing this year..
  7. Can't really call people out for playing the identity politics game and then play the game can you?
  8. Stu

    NFL week 14

    I'm shocked the Steelers are getting all the calls..
  9. He's talking about Pence, right?
  10. They're probably popping bottles tonight..
  11. Politicians of the past just had them killed.. he's an amateur in every way I guess
  12. Stu

    Motley Crue fans!

    Didn't think it was a good idea to jump around that late into a pregnancy.
  13. These fucking people are absolutely stupid.. fucking joke of a crew
  14. mother will be very disappointed if we aren't directly in front of the school. You should not disappoint mother... EVER!
  15. I hate Ohio State, but Jesus that was perfect coverage..
  16. What? Urby gets headaches? First I've heard....
  17. $3 billion is not out of range.. this thing looks incredible.
  18. I'm watching it.. of course the first thing out of Samuel L Jackson's mouth when asked how excited he is was.. "it's golf, how exciting can it be?.." way to sell it there idiot.
  19. Who's on the market? Colt gives them the best chance. Even as bad as he has looked tonight
  20. Spanking and raping.. totally the same..
  21. How often do you see tour players with that yardage? Never. There's a reason for that. Too far to just use feel and too short to swing full. But tour pros practice 80 to 40 yards non stop. And all of them use different philosophies. Everyone struggles with those yardages to answer your question. Here's what I do now. I have a swing with my 60 deg wedge that I know will carry exactly 50 yards. Full grip, ball back in my stance, left arm to what feels like 9 o'clock on the backswing, and accelerate through impact to a cutoff finish. If I need to carry it 60 yards.. same exact swing with my 54 deg. 70 yards is same swing with my PW. 80 yards is a full swing 60 deg for me so my gaps are now covered. If I have 55 yards I still use the same exact swing, but I'll just choke down on the 56. That gives me 5 yard gaps using the same swing from about 45 yards to 70 yards. Like I said though, everyone has their own method.. and yes, you have to practice a lot or just keep laying up to 100 yards...
  22. Who's the kid here? Are you kidding me?
  23. Well, she brought the show back and gave them a job.. then, signed her rights to the show away after her comments so they could all keep their jobs.. asshole or not, she's the reason any of them have a career.
  24. Think they wrote and recorded it in Austin. I could pick about 10 Schneider songs and another 10 Patty Griffin songs.. but I'll go with Changing Your Mind from Bob, since she sings harmony on it. Their voices together on that track are incredible and Bob's last verse is so great.
  25. So, does Sublime count?
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