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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by HornPhD

  1. The pool is way too small
  2. The blonde next to the Warriors bench has some major league yabbos
  3. Klay will probably go for 40 in game 3
  4. Nice adjustment on the shot by KD
  5. Game over, man
  6. Iggy with the dunker's touch
  7. My wife has heard on multiple occasions that he's an asshole (from me and someone who actually knows him)
  8. My wife and I were married in Austin on 11/5/05....road game against Baylor. We had a large number of guests from CA, NY, and Houston, so not having a home game that weekend helped. Originally planned for a Spring wedding; however, her Dad got sick and they didn't know how much time he had left. My wife and I checked the schedule for the best game to miss. My friends and I watched the game on 6th while having a few beers. csb/My wife and I had tickets to the NC game that season with flight and hotel booked. A day or two before we're supposed to leave, she gets a really bad cold that leaves her bedridden. Long story short, I sold her ticket and went to the game with my best friend.
  9. Thanks for the food recommendations. We'll hit up all three places. I could eat fish tacos every day; however, my wife and kids will need pasta at least once. We'll be there July 28-August 4.
  10. Thanks, hookit. Have heard/read that it mostly rains in the afternoon. Perfect for having a few drinks before dinner.
  11. Thanks for the recommendations, fellas. Place in Tulemar has been booked. Now, time to contact Ward Michaels.
  12. Stan's
  13. Bird Mark Price Dwayne "Pearl" Washington MJ KD
  14. Just got back from the game. Kids got Sean's autograph the other day.
  15. Leave early for the trip to wine country. Especially if you're heading to the Santa Rosa area via 101N. If you like beer, stop by Lagunitas Brewery in Petaluma (off of 101). They also have a pretty decent food menu.
  16. Uber to Deep Eddy for happy hour. See where the night takes you.
  17. Planning a trip to Costa Rica for this summer and thought you assholes would be able to provide some insight. There will be 4 adults and 4 kids (7-12). Which area? Resort vs. renting a house. Since most of our trips are with my family (wife and two kids, my wife's sister (and her 2 kids), and their Mom we usually rent a house or apartment; however, since the kids will be most interested in the beach and pool, it would be easier to just stay at a resort. My son (10) wants to do some fishing. I haven't done it in a long time, so I'm looking for a captain/charter good with beginners. Any recommendations/advice would be greatly appreciated.
  18. HornPhD


    Molokini (we went with Trilogy) Nakalele Blowhole (The "Acid War Zone" hike is fun. When we did it last summer, we were the only people on the trail. The trail that leads to it is to the right of the maze, when facing the ocean if I'm remember correctly.) http://mauiguidebook.com/adventures/nakalele-blowhole/ Paia Fish Market. It's in Paia and Lahaina. If you take the drive to Paia, check out Charley's Restaurant and Saloon (you'll drive through the town on the way to Hana).
  19. Sagrada Familia Picasso Museum La Boqueria Barcelona Cathedral (don't forget to take the elevator to the roof) Montejuic (great views of the city, Olympic stadium and pool) First Cocktail Bar in the Gothic Quarter is a cool, little place with great bartenders.
  20. I'll pass along the feedback. Especially about raising the grate and putting in some shelves. And will ask about its ability to maintain heat. He told me that he wants to add some hooks for hanging sausage.
  21. Spoke with my nephew a bit ago. He found the drum in a field and thought it would make a good smoker. He lives near a butcher and the two of em want to smoke a pig. Thermometer gauges are decorative. He's looking for horns to use as a handle. He was able to get the temp to 225 and is working on some modifications.
  22. I agree. Have asked for pics of the inside and any early testing results.
  23. He's adding a handle; however, keeping it open will require some additional design. There will probably be some trial and error involved.
  24. I think he had access to some materials and just started playing around.
  25. One of my nephews is a welder and decided to build a smoker. He still needs to put on the handle and some casters. I don't think he's ever used a smoker. It was just something we were discussing last year. Wish we lived in the same state, so I could help him test it out.
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