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Everything posted by landman

  1. If I find myself offended by something, or just don't like something, I tend to stay clear of it. Guess I'm doing it wrong and should just sue and force them to change to my liking? Do all of these offended people attend sporting events and lament every time the song is played? I seriously doubt it.
  2. Someone screwed up on the route. They never come 183 and make the turn. They always come up Hwy 80 from I-10 and have a straight shot over the tracks.
  3. Have a place south of Luling and see those blades crossing the tracks most every Sunday on our way back to Austin. Never seen one making the turn from 183. They usually take Hwy 80 from I-10 and have a straight shot across the tracks.
  4. Put Gris Gris on your list. Sit at the counter.
  5. I don't disagree with you. But I do have a problem that if someone flies to Mexico they have to have a negative test to come back, or get quarantined for 14 days if positive, while there is zero testing for those entering the country at border crossings.
  6. Pretty entertaining for adults as well.
  7. Just received the following email - guessing this was triggered by the bill getting passed...? I am Mr. Mike Hanssen writing on behalf of Antony Blinken, United States Secretary of State. This is to inform you officially that after our investigations with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and other Security Agencies in the Country for this year beginning 2021, we discovered that you have not received your funds. I have made it my first point of call since taking office to settle all Outstanding Payments accrued to Individuals or Corporations with respect to local and overseas contract payment, Debt Rescheduling and Outstanding Compensation payment. This is to make sure all Outstanding payments are settled this fiscal year 2021. On Behalf of the entire staff of the U.S. Department of State and the United Nations in collaboration with World Bank, we apologize for the delay of your contract payment, Winning or Inheritance funds from the United States and all the inconveniences you encountered while pursuing this payment.However, from the records of outstanding beneficiaries due for payment with the U.S Secretary of State, your name was discovered as next on the list of the outstanding payment who has not yet received their payments. Note that from the record in my file, your outstanding contract payment is ( $15,500,000 Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars) loaded in an ATM Visa Card that allows you to make a daily maximum withdrawal limit of $20,000 TWENTY Thousand Dollars) I have your file here in my office and it says that you are yet to receive your fund valued at ( $15,500,000 Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars) This Funds will now be delivered to your designated address or your preferred payment option. We have perfected all modules on how to bring this fund to your house without any problem, but be aware that United Nations and the United States Government has only authorized my office to release the Sum of ( $15,500,000 Million ) to you as true beneficiary of the Fund.that United Nations and the United States Government has only authorized my office to release the Sum of ( $15,500,000 Million ) to you as true beneficiary of the Fund. Note that your loaded ATM Visa Card will be sent to you through Priority Mail Express (USPS) to your designated address immediately you admit full compliance to this email. NOTE: Every documentation proof for your fund has been packaged and sealed to be sent together with your Visa Card to your address. Therefore, the only obligation required of you by the laws of the Government of United States and the financial Monetary Policy of the Supreme Court, states that; you as a beneficiary must officially obtain the irrevocable LEGAL STAY OF PROCEED from the Supreme Court of USA, as a means to justify the legitimacy, transparency and clean bill of funds from USA so that by the time your funds gets to you, no authority will question the funds as it has been legally certified free from all financial Malpractices and facets. The LEGAL STAY OF PROCEED is valued at a cost of just ($150USD)and has been packaged and sealed to be sent together with your Visa Card to your address. Send Via Western Union or Money Gram But if you cannot be able to send through Western Union or Money Gram use the $150 usd to buy Apple gift Card and send,After you make the payment, then kindly attach a proof of your payment:As soon as the above-mentioned details are received, The LEGAL STAY OF PROCEED will be secured on your behalf immediately. I need all the compliance that I can get from you to ensure we get this project accomplished. Personally, I am very sorry for the delay you have gone through in the past years. Thanks for adhering to these instructions which are meant for your sole benefit, once again accept my congratulations in advance. Thanks for your cooperation as your quick response to this email notice with adherence to the above instructions is highly anticipated. Yours Sincerely, Mike Hanssen forAntony Blinken U.S Department of State 2201 C Street NW Washington, DC 20521. Seems legit, though the Apple gift card for the $150 fee makes me a little suspicious. And a $15,000,000 ATM card seems odd.
  8. What about natural gas? Plenty of it, and significantly reduced emissions.
  9. The Texas Revolution had very little, if anything, to do with slavery. It had everything to do with the tyranny of Santa Anna.
  10. This fucking sucks. Saw them many times, most recently on their 50th anniversary tour at COTA two years ago. Was planning to see them in Vegas later this year.
  11. Good to see that everyone else in that picture has been vaccinated...
  12. He should have gone to Dirty's for the OT Special.
  13. Pretty much anywhere the wife and I go there are signs that masks are optional for vaccinated people (we both have ours), but required for unvaccinated. I find it amazing that apparently EVERYBODY at the businesses, stores, restaurants, etc. that we've been to the last few weeks are vaccinated.
  14. I'm thinking this is a reflection of who you are spending time with/around. I have family in Midland and have spent a lot of time there over the years and never heard it. And as for the coast, multiple trips a year to Port Aransas for the last 30+ years and never hear the word.
  15. No doubt they have the right to vote. But they need to prove who they are somehow, be it a voter ID, regular ID, something. With the amount of money the government spends elsewhere ($1million a foot or whatever for the wall), a free ID to whomever needs one doesn't seem like a bad thing.
  16. Gonna go out on a limb here and say people in favor of CRT might also have some involvement on the Democrat side of things. And they could still be normal parents.
  17. Gas didn't go above $2/gallon during Bush 1's term. It was about halfway through W's term when it happened. Probably something to do with a war, supply and demand, inflation, etc.
  18. Curious of what the decision he made was - would appreciate a PM.
  19. Thunder Force as well.
  20. Damn. Will have a good look at that tomorrow when we arrive.
  21. Hopefully the ones below it are not.
  22. Hate to hear that about Ballyhoo. We hit the island around 1:30 on Wednesday and we're planning to stop there for a late lunch on our walk to Aluxes.
  23. Over 30 wresting championships at OK State will put them above a lot of schools total championships.
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