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Everything posted by landman

  1. Yeah, retrofitting is absolutely cost prohibitive. But for new developments, it's not as simple as adding the electric to the mix. Completely separate trench - water, wastewater, storm, gas, and electric/telecom all have their own trenches, for the most part. Some areas you can have gas and electric in the same trench. Typical new subdivision will run you $5000-7500 per lot for gas and electric/telecom install, depending on if rock or dirt. And then there are the fees most electric providers charge on top of that - typically another $4-5000 per lot. But talking with Austin Energy a couple of years ago after the snow storm and then the ice storm, they estimated over $25k per house to take NW Hills underground...
  2. Lines are pretty much buried in all new developments now, regardless of neighborhood location. Most of the utilities require it.
  3. Tend to agree, though Tanya Tucker - Texas (When I Die) might be worth a shot.
  4. Still trying to figure out how the crowd was able to figure out the Texas Fight chant for so many years, but now all of a sudden we need field mike dude to start it. And the PA announcing first down...Texas...and the crowd is to respond Fight is very Bayloresque. They do this because it's about all they have to celebrate. We shouldn't.
  5. Brent Venables gets daiquiris from the Eskimo Hut...
  6. the rollercoaster in the background is perfection.
  7. Brent Venables eats his own dingleberries. Brent Venables thinks Graham Harmon is an outstanding sports journalist.
  8. Walked into the Broken Spoke on a mid-week night around 35 years ago with my now wife and some friends to have a couple of beers. Maybe 20 people in the entire place and no band. After about an hour in walks Willie, Kris, Doug Sahm, and a couple of others I don't remember. They proceeded to play for about 3 hours, asking what we wanted to hear. Epic night.
  9. He is still too involved in game day.
  10. Wonder if it coincided with the first SEC game...?😁
  11. Doesn't matter. Be it Georgia, Bama, or anyone else, we are going to beat their ass in the sec championship game. And if whoever it is comes back for more in January, we'll beat their ass again. Only worse.
  12. Pretty obvious the can is empty. Kid tilts it back too much and keeps looking in it. If it was full the kid would have been coughing it up.
  13. It's becoming Fandango at Home. Those fucking dirty Haitians like to stream movies while they eat dogs and cats. They pirate the movies and ship them back to Haiti to the losers who haven't left. Got to get rid of them ASAP.
  14. Ordered mine today and should have before Saturday.
  15. There are two movies that anytime I see they are on I will watch, and if I stumble across them I can't turn off regardless of what point they are. All The President's Men, and Field of Dreams. 09/30/24 the Paramount in Austin is showing Field of Dreams.
  16. about a berck fifty per pound.
  17. Local restaurant on the square is very good. Nora's Fish Creek in Wilson for a meal as well. Silver Dollar bar at the Wort Hotel usually has good music - we like it better than the Million Dollar Cowboy, though it's also worth seeing. If you like western art, Mountain Trails, Legacy Gallery, West Lives On, and Wilcox Gallery are well worth a visit. National Museum of Wildlife Art is great. Jenny Lake - take the boat across and back and soak in the views. I've always thought the Tetons were one of the best places to see God's work.
  18. Donald, I'm about to fuck your world. No lube.
  19. So, there is this guy named Trump running for president. He on not so rare occasions makes shit completely up to see if it will stick.
  20. Never realized how smart aggy is. They have managed to create laws that prohibit us from posting anything negative about them, but those laws don't apply to them posting anything negative about Texas. Well done aggy, well done.... Fucking morons.
  21. I'm going to say checks all three boxes. There has to be something going on in the head if you're going to shoot people.
  22. Have a brother-in-law that always wants to split, but based on who orders what as opposed to an even split. Except he never accounts for tax and is cheap on tips - refuses more than 15%. I cover so that the waiter doesn't get screwed over. Fortunately, we only go to dinner with them maybe twice a year now.
  23. And Colt likely doesn't get hurt...
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