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Everything posted by landman

  1. Have been through Cancun 1-2 times a year for the last 5 years and have never paid any sort of fee or tax. Have heard about it, but never have paid it ourselves.
  2. Yeah. There are. They play on grass a TON more than on turf.
  3. Icing on the cake...Schloss hops on a plane this afternoon at 5:30 and heads to Austin.
  4. That is the offer I've heard from a few. Vitello wants $3 million per year.
  5. Pierce started packing up last week. Preferred coach has an offer on the table. He's coaching this weekend. Second choice has had discussions and made know what he wants. He's coaching this weekend.
  6. Patience. He's going to be fired. CDC has the class not to interfere with the coaches - keep them from getting questions in the pressers about if they've been contacted by Texas, etc.
  7. Saw Backdraft mentioned above. Haven't seen it listed in the various obit articles, but agree he was great as the pyro.
  8. His first or second year he was talking about how terrible the fans were - yelling at their own team, etc. Then the fan "issue" at the Florida game last weekend. He wanted the job when we hired Pierce, but couldn't take it due to divorce issues. If we offer, he'll take the job. And the aggy tears would be glorious.
  9. If Oregon's coach is anywhere on the list he needs to be removed ASAP!!
  10. Got what she deserved. People are so fucking stupid.
  11. Antique mall is closing next month and Playland is expanding!
  12. landman


    My father and my mother-in-law both had polio when they were children, with MIL also dealing with post-polio syndrome the last few years. Fuck anyone that thinks this is a good idea.
  13. Talked to a guy this week that has been picked 3 times in the last 5 years. WTF??!!
  14. With Travis down, why doesn't LCRA do some excavation to add capacity for the future. Seems like the prudent thing to do in case we ever do get enough rain to fill it back up.
  15. Eliminating street lanes around town, such as on Barton Springs, has been just great as well. Nothing like bottling up traffic more and more.
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