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Everything posted by landman

  1. $1200 per person? While bad, that is not even close to the $$ the city of Austin is spending on all the still unopened former hotels and other wasted money to house the 3000 homeless. And that would buy maybe 300 houses in Jarrell.
  2. Approved means it has plans and can be built. Under review means the plans are with the city going through the process to get approval.
  3. landman

    Toby Keith RIP

    Spent a lot of time visiting troops after 911. Dude was an American through and through. Even if from Oklahoma...
  4. That area was going to be developed whether City Hall was there or not.
  5. except the addict is mainly harming themself, not homes or neighborhoods the way the arsonist is potentially doing. And not sure I've heard the public say let the houses burn and let's find the arsonist.
  6. That's a great looking calf. Let me know if you need anymore. We're selling throughout the year.
  7. Looks like it's about to start coming down for a bit.
  8. I knew she was the one the day I met her (a Saturday). We went to Dessau Hall the following Thursday, dinner Friday night, and to a little Texas football game on Saturday evening against Cougar High (1990). There was no doubt. Our 30th anniversary is in May and there is not a day that goes by that I don't thank God for her and that she has stuck with me. She's simply fucking amazing.
  9. I believe he did own it. Kerbow was talking recent times. Back in the day many more owned the dirt. My great uncle owned Fritz's Cafe.
  10. I talked to them several times about seeking a historical designation due to the age, etc. They don't want to as it would significantly limit what they could do improvement wise. Never would have been able to make the changes/additions they've done to this point if they had the designation.
  11. Did they own the dirt? Talking with Dave Kerbow a couple of years ago (Catfish Parlor 183 owner) he said there were 3 restaurants in the City that owned the dirt they were on - him, Matt's, and Dirty's. I'm sure there may have been a few others, but for the most part they have a ground lease. Dave closed because he's in his 80's and the building needed a huge cash investment to update equipment, etc. Just didn't have it in him and wanted to enjoy life. He's at the Georgetown one on Tuesdays helping his son.
  12. Or a regular trip to the cardiologist.
  13. Tough call. I needed to know/closure, even though I knew when it happened that it wasn't going to end well. Couple of days later and definitely getting through it. And spending an insane amount of time with our little Lady - a 15 month old English Spaniel.
  14. Was in Katy for business yesterday at a project. Driving down a back road heading to I-10 and a little dog ran out of a drainage ditch right in front of us. No time to react. Knew it was bad, but the little guy was still alive. Found a number for the owners from a neighbor and my wife called them while we took the dog to an animal hospital in Katy. Owner husband said their dogs get out all the time and they can't figure out how. Owner wife met us there and I apologized through tears and she said the same thing about it getting out and it wasn't my fault. Very quiet drive back to Austin and a shitty rest of the day. I was a wreck all night and called the vet this morning to try and confirm what I already knew. Vet said they couldn't tell me since I wasn't the owner. But then called me right back as she felt sorry for me (I hung up crying after the first call) Little Gus didn't make it. Fucking sucks. Tears just won't stop and I feel sick - as bad as when we put our 14 year old lab down a couple of years ago. Never hit anything before, and wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. I hope nobody ever has to go through this.
  15. Chicken on the Bayou Boudin Shop in Breaux Bridge, right off the interstate. Outstanding little dive.
  16. That, and then there's the cheating aspect. Head coach started the season and ended the season suspended.
  17. 183, Research Blvd, Anderson Lane, Ed Bluestein, 183.
  18. In real estate and have seen a lot of wire transactions over the years. Never seen a home address as the beneficiary, or at all. It's a bank routing number and account number. Unless Joe has a bank in his living room...
  19. I would look into the Fredericksburg area.
  20. I would be fine with this.
  21. Has Trout Street improved at all? Going with in-laws next weekend and a faction of them are insisting on a meal at Trout Street, over La Playa or anywhere else on the island. I'm pushing them for a quick lunch there if anything.
  22. Nobody is will to do the work. But everyone is willing to talk about it.
  23. Sitting at the Puerto Juarez terminal a couple of years ago waiting the head to Isla, we watched the Marinas check bags, test some substance they found in one, and haul some poor bastard off in cuffs.
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