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The Royal We

Certifiably Surly
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  1. The Royal We


    The nurse in post op must have been able to see it on my face and told me it was normal to have gas pains and that it was fine to pass gas in there. I didn't want to do the proverbial gamble-on-a-fart-and-lose trick so I waited until I got back to the friendly confines of my own bathroom to let it fly. Relief was immediate.
  2. The Royal We


    My procedure was a cake walk too. The worst part were the gas pains after from all the air trapped in there. Dr said everything looks fine so I should be set for another 5 years. Propofol is insane - like someone else said in this thread - it's just like an off switch.
  3. The Royal We


    I had some chicken broth for dinner and I should have just poured it into the toilet.
  4. The Royal We


    I think it took about 35-40 minutes for the fun to start for me.
  5. The Royal We


    I keep thinking it's over and then 10 minutes later I have to do the truffle shuffle to the toilet. How is there anything left inside me? And yea, I'm ready to eat. Going to be full-on hangry by 8 am tomorrow morning.
  6. The Royal We


    JFC, stop this train I want to get off.
  7. The Royal We


    Welp, it's my time in the barrel tomorrow. Starting my prep around noon today. I've got broth and green jello for sustenance and frost Gatorade to mix the colon blow with. We had a water line bust under the slab in our bathroom on Sunday and I got the fear thinking about going through the prep without my bidet. Luckily the plumbers were able to locate the leak and fix it on Monday.
  8. That's a great buy. I'm looking at used Tacos right now for my son who turns 16 next year and can't believe how expensive these are. I had a 4 door 2003 TRD off road that I traded in on a Suburban when we started having kids. I think it had ~130,000 miles on it and carmax gave me $10k for it. That was quite a bit higher than the GM dealer offered me and I was glad to have it. That same fucking truck is now $15k+ if it's in decent shape. Here's one in Atlanta currently for sale: FOH
  9. Co-sign. I think this website is what drove me to upgrade my line game and it made a huge difference.
  10. Anyone ever stayed in a ski in/ski out at Steamboat? I'm looking around at condos on the Steamboat website and most everything looks like it was last updated in 1992. I'm trying to take my 2 sons for a quick trip over President's day weekend and don't really need anything too fancy, but some of these units have reviews like "great location but could use a good cleaning." Storm Meadows East and Storm Meadows Club both look like they are right on one of the lower runs. https://www.steamboat.com/plan-your-trip/lodging/lodging-accomodations/condominiums?arrivalDate=2025-02-13&departureDate=2025-02-17&adultCount=1&childCount=2#_
  11. Well at least we know that the Botox Bullyragger will just slink away quietly and totally won't make a scene dragging everyone else in the GQP through a river of shit. So there's that. Which is nice.
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