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The Royal We

Certifiably Surly
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  1. Sorry for your loss Brisket. That's a very nice tribute. Your old man sounds like someone I'd have liked to have a beer and fish with.
  2. I think the stock market taking a huge shit MIGHT get his attention enough to try to correct course. But I think the damage will already be done. Make some room for me on the ledge, I'll bring gummies.
  3. Sounds like Gov Landry needs to reach way down and grab those big bootstraps Louisiana has. <touches earpiece> what's that? Oh, federal funds make up ~30% of LA's annual budget? Good luck Gov Landry.
  4. Thanks for the info. Buying one with ~200k would make me nervous, but maybe it shouldn't. My first car was a '91 4Runner that I drove like a total asshole for 8 years and it was starting to lose pressure in one cylinder when I traded it in with just a shade less than 200k. With the way that I abused that thing it's incredible it lasted that long.
  5. How many miles are too many miles when buying a used Taco or 4Runner for a 16 y.o.? I don't want to spend too much of my time taking it to the shop. 125k? 150k?
  6. Propaganda works, Americans have the memory of a flea, news at 11.
  7. The reinsurance shitshow rolls downhill to pretty much everything else too. It can be challenging to get the CFO of an energy company to accept that the outcome of the Baltimore bridge claim/Florida Hurricane claims/Cali Wildfire claims can have a significant impact on the premium to insure their assets in the Permian Basin. It's generally all re-insured through the same handful of mega carriers in Europe. It's hard to get my head around the scale of the damage from this fire. Gut wrenching stuff.
  8. My dad is on a lease out near Junction and they have a hard and fast rule that you have to shoot 2 doe or a doe/cull buck before you can shoot your trophy. The ranch manager enforces it and you lose your spot if you don't follow the rule. My old man is still real mad at them and has a lot of friends and family that will take any sausage he can get them so I think he shot 7 or 8 doe early in the season. He helps his buddies on the lease fulfill their 2 doe obligation every year. The ranch is on a MLDP so they can start early and keep hunting bucks late too. They've had this rule in effect for 5+ years and I think it's improved the quality of trophies, but that could be driven by any number of other factors too I guess. I'm curious about the duck hunting this year. I live on an East Texas lake and we're usually covered up in Coots by November with good numbers of Canvasbacks not far behind. I've seen very few Coots this year and not a single Canvasback. I thought for sure the big front this week would push a lot of ducks in, but still nothing.
  9. The Royal We


    The nurse in post op must have been able to see it on my face and told me it was normal to have gas pains and that it was fine to pass gas in there. I didn't want to do the proverbial gamble-on-a-fart-and-lose trick so I waited until I got back to the friendly confines of my own bathroom to let it fly. Relief was immediate.
  10. The Royal We


    My procedure was a cake walk too. The worst part were the gas pains after from all the air trapped in there. Dr said everything looks fine so I should be set for another 5 years. Propofol is insane - like someone else said in this thread - it's just like an off switch.
  11. The Royal We


    I had some chicken broth for dinner and I should have just poured it into the toilet.
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